- The young soldier was appointed squadron leader. 這位年輕的士兵被任命為騎兵隊的隊長。
- The young soldier deserted the army. 那名年輕戰士從軍隊里開了小差。
- The young soldier saluted awkwardly. 那名年輕士兵笨拙地敬禮。
- The young soldier fainted in the hot sun. 那個年輕的士兵在炎炎烈日下暈了過去。
- The young soldier flouted his officer's orders. 這個年青的士兵違反了軍官的命令。
- The young soldier, however, was a quick thinker. 人群都很緊張,負責的軍官面色蒼白。
- I read in a book that this was discovered by a young soldier. 我從一本書里了解到,這是一位年輕戰士發現的。
- In the battle, the young soldier was shot and fell dead. 在戰鬥中,那個年輕的士兵被擊中,倒下死了。
- I never thought that he should be such a brave young soldier. 我們從來沒想到他是個如此勇敢的小戰士。
- That young soldier was being trained to unload a gun. 那個年輕的士兵正在受訓退子彈。
- One day, a fine young soldier wandered into the district. 有一天,一位英挺的年輕士兵漫遊到這地區來。
- The young soldier sometimes dreams about/of his hometown. 這名年輕的士兵有時會夢到自己的家鄉。
- All the young soldiers are ready to bleed for the country. 所有的年輕戰士都願意為祖國灑熱血。
- The work shows a veteran officer playing chess with a young soldier. 這幅作品畫的是一個老軍官和一個青年戰士下棋。
- The young soldier could not keep his eyes off the hands of the woman. 在火車上那個年青的戰士緊緊地盯著那位女士的手。
- The young soldier knocked his arm up and captured him all of a sudden. 那個年青的戰士把他的胳膊往上一擊,一下把他捉住了。
- Hw was marked out as the most promising young soldier in the whole army. 他被選為全軍最有前途的青年軍人。
- Many young soldiers were cut off in their prime. 許多士兵都英年早逝。
- The young soldier was punished for taking French leave to visit his girlfriend. 那位年輕士兵因擅離職守去會見女友而受到了懲罰。
- Another brave young soldier in an attempt to wed one of us, I suppose. 我猜又是一位年輕勇士企圖來和我們其中一位成親。