- The Young Pioneer saw the blind man across the road. 這個少先隊員扶著盲人過了馬路。
- The officer replied the guard' s salute. 那位軍官對衛兵的敬禮回了禮。
- It is five years since the boy was a Young Pioneer. 這個男孩不當少先隊員已經五年了。
- Neither of them is a Young Pioneer. 他們倆都不是少先隊員。
- When did you join the Young Pioneer? 你什麼時候入隊的?
- The Young Pioneer is child's vanguard organization. 少先隊是少年兒童的先鋒組織。
- Will you please give your seat to this old woman. Young Pioneer? 「你可以把你的座位讓給這位老奶奶嗎?少先隊員?」
- Two members of the Young Pioneer came and gave me a hand. 這時來了兩個少先隊員幫助我。
- A young pioneer is helping the old man get on/ off the bus. 一個少先隊員正在幫助那位老人上車/下車。
- While the national flag is being raised, all the young pioneers must salute. 升國旗時少先隊員要行隊禮。
- "We must learn from Uncle Lei Feng," said the Young Pioneer. 少先隊員說道: 「我們要向雷鋒叔叔學習。」
- Our school is a Young Pioneer subjects research experimental one in Hubei. 我校是湖北省少先隊課題研究試點單位。
- Liu Mei has done a lot of good deeds since she joined the Young Pioneer. 自從入隊以一來,李梅做了許多好事。
- The blindman felt thankful to the Young Pioneer and asked for his name. 答案補充 盲人很感謝少先隊員,向他詢問名字。
- Play country music, and raise country flag! Young pioneers salute, The other students and teachers salute with eyes. 奏國歌,升國旗!少先隊員行隊禮,其它同學和老師行注目禮。
- Some Young Pioneers are playing games over there. 一些少先隊員正在那邊玩遊戲。
- The Young Pioneers all wear red scarves. 少先隊員都系著紅領巾。
- The young pioneer was decorated for saving several people from the burning building. 這位少先隊員由於從熊熊燃燒的大樓里救出了好幾個人而被授予勳章。
- All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers. 所有的中國學生都是少先隊員。
- Both my two brothers and I are all Young Pioneers. 我和我的兩個哥哥都是少先隊員。