- ISA 1932噴嘴ISA 1932 nozzle
- 他出生於 1932 年 1 月 7 日。He was born on January 7, 1932.
- 高kHigh-k
- 美國軍隊進行曲的管弦樂的首席指揮和作曲家(1854-1932)。a US bandmaster and composer of military marches (1854-1932).
- K肥K fertilizer
- 後期作品有《友好的同時代人》(1932)和《後半輩子的鄰居》(1934)。Among his later works are My Friendly Contemporaries (1932) and Afternoon Neighbors (1934).
- (kk
- 卡多佐:美國法官和作家,曾任美國最高法院的助理法官(1932-1938年)。Cardozo:american jurist and writer who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1932-1938).
- k/nk-out-of-n
- 卡多佐:美國法官和作家,曾任美國最高法院的助理法官(1932-1938年) 。Cardozo:american jurist and writer who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1932-1938).
- K泡potassium bubble
- K鏡K mirror
- 愛德華 - 肯尼迪(1932-),美國參議院議員,總統職位謀求者,民主黨自由派領導人。Edward Kennedy (1932--), U. S. Senator, presidential aspirant, and a leader of the liberal wing of the democratic party.
- K相K phase
- 愛德華·肯尼迪(1932-),美國參議院議員,總統職位謀求者,民主黨自由派領導人。Edward Kennedy (1932--), U. S. Senator, presidential aspirant, and a leader of the liberal wing of the democratic party
- K-BK-B
- 格雷厄姆,肯尼思1859-1932英國作家,以其散文和兒童文學著名,著名的有楊柳風(1908年)British writer known for his essays and children's books, notably The Wind in the Willows(1908).
- K=1K=1
- 特納,弗雷德里克·傑克遜1861-1932美國歷史學家,曾強調邊疆在美國歷史的重要性American historian who emphasized the importance of the frontier in American history.
- K-LKarhunen-Loeve