- I am replying to your advertisement in the Yangcheng Evening News of November 12 for an Editorial Assistant. 拜讀貴公司刊登在11月12日《羊城晚報》招聘編輯助理的廣告,本人特備函應聘。
- The Yangcheng Evening News said, "Her arrest for tax evasion shows she will pay a huge fine for her bluntness, arrogant air of superiority, and pig-headedness. 據羊城晚報載:「她的被捕意味著她將為她的不加掩飾、傲慢、高高在上和好出風頭付出沉重的代價。
- Yangcheng Evening News: The imminent launch of the "seven gods," which carries new technology? Chinese astronauts can finally walk through the space, how you look across this? 羊城晚報:即將發射升空的「神七」承載著哪些新技術?中國航天員終於可以漫步太空了,您怎麼看待這一跨越?
- She anchored the evening news for seven years. 她主持了七年晚間新聞報道。
- Did you hear the evening news last night? 你昨天晚上聽新聞了嗎?
- Bloomberg said at an early evening news conference. 市長在晚上的新聞發布會上說。
- Love is a ancient story, yet it is even new. 愛是一個古老的故事,但它卻是萬古常新。
- Don't turn the radio off. I'd like to hear the evening news. 別把收音機關掉。我想聽晚間新聞。
- The events of the day are reported on the evening news. 那天的事件已在晚間新聞上作了報導。
- The anchorman of the BBC network's evening news got fired. 我聽說cbc電視網的晚間新聞主播被炒魷魚
- The television anchorman was reporting evening news. 這位男電視主持人正在報道晚間新聞。
- The evening news was being distributed by television. 晚間新聞在電視里播出。
- The play opens in a TV studio, where an announcer is reading the evening news. 該劇發生在一個電視攝影棚中,一個電視廣播員在播報晚間新聞。
- Jonny Evans is a super talent," Bistiaux told the Manchester Evening News. 喬尼-埃文斯有驚人的天賦,」比斯道克斯告訴曼徹斯特晚報。
- Should astronauts wear slippers? Should they be able to watch the evening news? 宇航員能穿拖鞋嗎?能看到晚間新聞嗎?
- The six o'clock evening news located Ella at 16 degrees north, 62 west. 午後六點鐘的新聞報道說埃拉在北緯十六度,西經六十二度。
- Should astronauts wear sli ers? Should they be able to watch the evening news? 宇航員能穿拖鞋嗎?能看到晚間新聞嗎?
- I heard that the anchorman of the CBC TV network's evening news got fired. 我聽說cbc電視網的晚間新聞主播被炒魷魚。
- All the units -- even new ones -- were able to carry out difficult tasks. 一個新部隊也能很好地完成任務。
- Annihilation can create gamma-rays or even new particle-antiparticle pairs. 湮滅能產生伽馬射線甚至新的粒子-反粒子對。