- Sometimes the testis fails to enter the scrotum. 有時睾丸未能降入陰囊。
- No new automobiles failing to meet the limits will be allowed to enter Beijing's market or be granted licenses. 加快提高其它車輛排氣污染物排放標準的步伐。不達標新車不準在京銷售或上牌照。
- It is not scarely seen that students trying to enter college with high marks fail to enter a college. 由於志願填報不當,高考生高分落榜現象並不鮮見。
- Our son wants to enter the ministry. 我們的兒子想做牧師。
- One also will fail to enter the joy and love possible through ascension, for experiencing the joy and love requires an open heart. 一個人也將無法在提升中感受到可能的歡樂與愛,因為體驗歡樂與愛需要一顆敞開的心靈。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要進入名牌大學學習的夢想實現了。
- She erred in failing to meet him in person. 她錯在沒有親自與他見面。
- The Directory Service failed to enter single user mode. 目錄服務無法進入單一用戶模式。
- No one can fail to be struck with her charm. 人人都被她的魅力所吸引。
- Rarely did he fail to keep his promise. 他真的很難得失信。
- He tried to enter the country with forged document. 他試圖用偽造的文件進入該國。
- The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise. 州長因沒能履行一項競選時的承諾而受新聞界抨擊。
- I never fail to write to my parents every month. 我每個月一定寫信給我的父母親。
- It's time for us to enter into business talk. 是我們開始談生意的時間了。
- Results Discordance of consort, failing to enter a higher school, prescribed marriage, taking poison for mouse by mistaking, plotting a murder, bibulosity were the main formation reasons. 結果中毒的成因為夫妻關係不合,子女考試落榜,父母包辦婚姻,兒童誤服鼠藥,投毒謀害,凶酒,計劃生育糾紛等;
- In addition,the system should require all users to change passwords every month or so and should lock out prospective users if they fail to enter the correct password three times in a row. 此外,系統也應該要求所有用戶每月上下改變口令,如果用戶連續三次沒有輸入正確的口令,系統應把他們排除在預期的用戶之外。
- Fail to pay and they'll cut off the electricity. 你(如果)不付款,他們就要斷電。
- The windows permit light and air to enter. 這些窗戶採光及通風性能良好。
- He was destined to enter the Church. 命運註定他要當牧師。
- We will never fail to live up to what our parents expect of us. 我們決不辜負我們的父母對我們的期望。