- ANL has a successful track record of China import and export sales. 公司在中國有良好的進出口銷售業績。
- Ginseng; From the deep montain of DaXing AnLing ,have very high nutrition. 產自大興安嶺深處的人蔘,營養價值非常高。
- Objective:To investigate the expression of GATA- 2 gene in ANL L,CML and MDS. 目的 :了解 GATA- 2基因在急性非淋巴細胞白血病 (ANL L )、慢性粒細胞白血病 (CML )和骨髓增生異常綜合征 (MDS)中的表達情況。
- The domestic oral ANL 10mg/d is effective and safe in the treatment of PMO. 國產阿侖膦酸鈉治療PMO有效、安全
- To USA, Seaway has a sign rate with MAERSK, CMA, EVERGREEN, ANL and MSC. 在美國,中南美航線上,致誠國際物流與MAERSK, CMA, EVERGREEN, ANL 和 MSC等多家船公司簽約;
- Northern Wei, Northern Qi Dynasty, Northern Zhou, the Ping is anling jun Bo. Anping County is stilljun zhi City. 北魏、北齊、北周時,安平皆屬博陵郡。郡治仍在安平縣城。
- Yin xiaoxing,who was born in a Jiangsu farming family in 1970,got the illness of poliomyelitis together with acute pneumonia 8 months after his born. 1970年出生於江蘇的一戶農民家庭的尹小星,出生僅8個月就患小兒麻痹症併發急性肺炎。
- The results showed that the positive rates of P 16 protein in ALL,ANL,and NDA were 63 2%,83 3% and 88 9%,respectively. 結果顯示急性淋巴細胞白血病組(ALL)P16陽性率63.;2%25,急性非淋巴細胞白血病組(ANL)83
- Biopsy is of clinical importance in diagnosis of HNL. Adrenal cortical hormone is effective in the treatment of ANL. 活檢術在HNL診斷方面具有重要的臨床價值 ,腎上腺皮質激素在治療HNL方面療效滿意。
- Trial Analysis of the Cooperation between CMEA anl EEC in Economy, Trade, Science and Technology. 試析經互會與歐共體的經貿和科技合作
- To Europe, Seaway is assigned as a forwarding company of HANJIN, NORASIA, DSR, ANL, and PIL. 歐洲,地中海航線上,致誠國際物流可以提供HANJIN,NORASIA,DSR,ANL和PIL的優勢運價;
- As anl inegral-art of the contract, the inspection of goods has its special importance. 作為合同里的一個組成部分,商品檢驗具有特殊的重要性。
- For PIL, ANL、EVERGREEN,CSCL,COSCOand so on many boating companies'direct proxy. 為PIL、ANL、EVERGREEN,CSCL,COSCO等多家船公司的直接代理。
- The Prasad-Sommerfield-like, colorless anl finite-mass dyon anolytic solution in SU(5) grond unified model is found. It is the only physical dyon solution so far. 在SU(5)大統一模型中找到了一組P-S型的、無色的、能量有限的雙子解的解析形式,這是目前見到的唯一真正物理的雙子解。
- Karyotype analysis shoved that the chromosome mode was 91. The immunodif fusion test showed that ANl McAb belongs to IgGl subclass. 其染色體眾數為91,所分泌抗體屬IgG1亞類。
- It is collect from DaXing AnLing(mountains)Rhododendron has the action of curing rheumatism and disorder menstrual period, tranquilizing and allaying excitement. 映山紅:去風濕,調經和血,安神去燥,民間常用此花和豬蹄同煲,可治女性帶赤下。
- Conclusion:Biopsy is of clinical importance in diagnosis of HNL. Adrenal cortical hormone is effective in the treatment of ANL. 結論:活檢術在HNL診斷方面具有重要的臨床價值,腎上腺皮質激素在治療HNL方面療效滿意。
- Urxun and Beier depressions in Hailar basin formed duringMesozoic and Cenozoic, they are located in the Paleozoicorogenic belt in Inner Mongolia-Daxing"anling area. 海拉爾盆地烏爾遜-貝爾凹陷是疊置於內蒙-大興安嶺古生代碰撞造山帶的中新生代盆地。
- Therefore it has important. anl historical significance and cultural significance that performing a study on this Lamasery, especially on its protection and development. 因此,對於五當召的研究、分析以及它的保護和發展都有著重要的歷史意義和文化意義。
- The expression rates of GATA- 2 gene in ANL L ,CML and MDS were 88.4% ,81.6% or 97% respectively,it was significantly increased compared with in the normal individual(P <0 .0 1) . GATA- 2基因在 ANL L、CML 和 MDS中的表達率分別為 88.;4%25、81