- Wu Zao's Standpoint of Ci 論吳藻的詞學觀
- Wu Zao was a versatile poet in Qing Dynasty with many accomplishments in poetry,ci and qu. 清代女詞人吳藻有著深厚的學養,在詩、詞、曲等方面都有造詣,其中詞的成就最高,集眾家所長並自成一體,受到時人稱頌;
- On the Demands and Trainings of CI Professionals. 競爭情報人才需求與培養研究。
- The writer's standpoint of value is female humanism. 我們高舉的價值立場是不具有強權性的女性人文主義價值立場。
- Rather you shall perceive the world from a standpoint of unity. 你會從一個統一的立場來認知世界。
- standpoint of Ci 詞學觀
- With more than1,100 licenses up for grabs, there is a lot at stake from the government' s standpoint. 屆時將會有超過1100個牌照被拍賣,政府在此次拍賣上押下了巨注。
- Abstract: Most researches on VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) evaluated its effect only from the buyer's standpoint. 摘 要: 關於賣方管理庫存(VMI)的研究多是從主導企業(買方)來評價VMI的實施效果的,事實上不但應該考慮VMI對買方的影響,還應考慮VMI對整個供應鏈的影響。
- Second ,most of parent decalared against grandparent』s education.And the parent』s standpoint content family-wholism and individual-responsibility. 2、大部分幼兒父母反對隔代教育,對隔代教育所採取的立場是從未家庭整體立場和個體責任立場方面表現出來。
- Wu Wenying was featured by his special writing style of ci poems so that he was cried up in the late Southern Dynasty but this was not the case in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. 吳文英因其特殊的風格在詞學史上獨樹一幟,南宋末年頗受推崇,元明卻默默無聞,清代前中期夢窗詞逐漸顯現,至晚清吳文英則被推為至尊的地位。
- That』s because programmers tend to resolve choices from the standpoint of logic, and it carries over to their software design. 這是因為程序員傾向於從邏輯的角度解決問題,並且把這種觀點帶入到了軟體設計中。
- But from the standpoint of a person, they are perfectly normal. 但從人類用戶的角度來看,這些太正常了。
- The third part clarifies the author"s standpoint: guide the religion and the socialism society adapts mutually, and push the construction of socialism harmonious society. 文章的第三部分闡明作者的觀點:引導宗教與社會主義社會相適應,發掘宗教的積極因素,以推動社會主義和諧社會的建設。
- From the standpoint of technology, is it possible to clone humans ? 從技術角度看,克隆人類可能嗎?
- Regarding Shi as Ci is a familiar term in contemporary study of Ci. 摘要「以詩為詞」是現當代詞學研究中的常見術語。
- The center will focus on the related disciplines of CI and HUMINT. 該中心將關注反間諜與人工情報的相關條例。
- Zhang Jizhong : Special invited producer of Ci Wen Film &TV Agency. 張紀中:慈文影視特約製片人。
- The succession of self, the transplantation of the Other, and the mergence of both, are characteristics and values of Zhangling"s novels, and the standpoint of the thesis. 「自我」的承傳、「他者」的移植和兩者的融匯是張翎小說的創作特點和價值取向,也是本文立論的立足點。
- The standpoint of this article is the macrostructure theory especially the Blau"s theory through the quantitative analysis and the way of determining the nature. 本文以宏觀社會學的思想觀點為立場,以宏觀結構理論為邏輯展開的依據,以定量分析與定性分析相結合的形式為研究方式。
- The way a person acts, especially from the standpoint of morality and ethics. 操行,行為一個人行為的方式,尤指從道德和倫理的角度來看