- Wiltz 65 (棉花落葉劑)飽和十碳混酸
- 爭論的核心針對有毒落葉劑的問題。The debate focused on the issue of poisonous leaf-falling agents.
- 落葉劑,一種化學藥劑,噴洒在植物上可使葉脫落Defoliant: a chemical sprayed or dusted on plants to cause the leaves to fall off
- 棉花落葉型黃萎病的發生規律及損失率測定研究Regular of Disease and Yield Loss Rate of Defoliating Strain of Verticillium Dahliae of Cotton
- 今年三月間,華盛頓與河內簽署了越戰以來第一份協議,雙方將合作研究落葉劑造成的影響。In March this year, Washington and Hanoi signed their first agreement since the Vietnamese war. The two sides will carry out cooperation on the research of the effects of leaf-falling agents.
- 表面活性劑surface active agent
- 用一對棉花落葉型黃萎病菌的特異性引物D1和D2進行PCR擴增 ,對於落葉型黃萎病菌 ,該對引物可特異性地擴增產生一段 550bp的產物 ,而非落葉型黃萎病菌則不能被擴增。A PCR fragment (550bp) from defoliating pathotype of Verticillium dahliaewas produced with a couple of specific primers, but not from nondefoliating pathotype of Verticillium dahliae.
- 阻燃劑flame retardant
- 粘結劑caking agent
- 他曾擁有一個棉花園。He once owned a cotton plantation.
- 安慰劑placebo
- 上漲的棉花價格減少了紡織廠的利潤。Climbing cost of cotton squeezes mill profits.
- 注射劑injection
- 大部分的樹木在冬天落葉。Most trees are denuded of their leaves in winter.
- 他繼續進行棉花期貨交易。He continued his operations in cotton futures.
- 促進劑accelerant
- 每年落葉的叢生的亞洲灌木或小樹;移到美國東部的外來植物。deciduous clump-forming Asian shrub or small tree; adventive in the eastern United States.
- 乳化劑emulsifier
- 他們種植長纖維棉花。They grow cotton of long staple.