- Concert of Wells Cathedral School Chamber Choir 教堂室內樂合唱團音樂會
- The dome of St. Paul Cathedral is well known in the world. 聖保羅教堂的圓頂聞名於世。
- The Hamburg and Wells Cathedral Chamber Orchestra Chamber Music Concert 德國漢堡室內樂團音樂會
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知這是一件棘手的工作。
- She is very well thought of in England. 她在英國的口碑很好。
- The bread crisped up for you didn't wrap it well. 你沒把麵包包好,它變幹了。
- Huxley, I feel, has much in common with Wells. 我覺得赫胥黎和威爾士有很多共同之處。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 學好一種語言非下苦功不可。
- Buses in England are well designed and made. 英國的公共汽車被設計和製造得很好。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 舊井乾枯以後被人用磚堵上了。
- The sideshows will fetch in the people as well. 幕間穿插的表演同樣可以招徠看客。
- Our firm is stacking up pretty well these days. 我們公司目前情況相當不錯。
- We are well served with gas in this town. 這個城鎮煤氣供應得很好。
- Fish doesn't go well with mutton. 魚和羊肉在一起不好吃。
- The sunshine bodes well for our barbecue. 明媚的陽光對我們的烤肉野餐是個吉兆。
- Our hosts wined and dined us very well. 主人設酒宴盛情款待我們。
- A good book does not necessarily sell well. 好書未必暢銷。
- He is a friend in word as well as in deed. 他是個言行如一的朋友。
- The piano solo was well rendered. 那支鋼琴獨奏曲彈得真好。
- I am sure you would get along very well with him. 我相信你一定會跟他相處得很好。