- Is there any water left in the water tank? 水箱里還有水剩下嗎?
- Every apartment house has a water tank on its roof. 每棟公寓房子都有一個水塔。
- Water Tank Battalion 供水營
- If you lag your hot water tank, you'll save money on your fuel bill. 如果你給熱水箱裝上外套,你就可以少付燃料費帳了。
- A building is constructed with a bulk water tank. 建築物里修建了大水箱。
- If you lag your hot water tank, you'll save money on your fuel bills. 如果你給熱水箱裝上外套,你就可以少付燃料費帳了。
- We've lagged the hot water tank with felt. 我們已用毛氈把熱水箱包了起來。
- There any water left in the water tank? 水箱里還有水剩下嗎?
- How much water can this water tank contain? 這隻水箱能裝多少水?
- The insides of the water tank were removed of rust. 水箱裡面已經除過銹了。
- The M5 light tank was from the 31st Tank Battalion, part of the 1944 D-Day invasion force. M5輕型坦克是第31坦克營的,1944年D日入侵部隊的一部分。
- The water tank only measures 2 metres deep. 這隻水箱只有2米深。
- PRECIS LY what happened behind the barrack gates of a Georgian tank battalion near Tbilisi on May 5th is unclear. 正是由於5月在喬治亞首都第比利斯營地附近的坦克營發生叛變的詳情還不清楚。
- Rust has already bitten into the water tank. 鐵鏽已經把水箱腐蝕了。
- Rifles weapon of Charlie Company, second tank battalion, rest beside a ball during a break at a base near the city of Falluja in western Iraq. 伊拉克西部城市費盧傑的軍事基地中,一場足球賽中場休息時第二坦克營Charlie連士兵的來複槍。
- Puller's 1st Marines, supported by elements of the 1st Tank Battalion, was given the responsibility from Wonsan northward to as far as Munchon. 普勒的陸戰1團在坦克1營的支援下,負責元山到文川的防禦。
- Could you come round and mend a leak in my hot water tank? 你能不能到我們家修補一下熱水箱上的洞?
- The Georgian authorities say they've ended a brief mutiny by a tank battalion at a military base outside the capital Tbilisi. 喬治亞官方聲稱他們已經制止了一起坦克營發起的嘩變,該坦克營位於首都第比利斯附近軍事基地內。
- The southeastern corner under the water tank entirely collapsed. 水箱下東南角部分完全毀壞了。
- The Negro 827th Tank Battalion, however, had a poor record, so bad that the Army almost disbanded it and many commanders refused to have it. 但是,第827黑人坦克營戰鬥記錄糟糕透頂,其程度之惡劣險遭陸軍遣散,許多指揮官拒絕使用該部。