- The Czechs, who hold the EU's rotating six-month presidency, also hope to tempt him to Prague. 捷克做為歐盟為期六個月的輪值主席,也希望他能夠造訪布拉格。
- Canada, the G8's rotating president, has invited foreign ministers of the United States, Russia, Britain, Italy, France, Germany and Japan to convene a 2-day meeting in Whistler, a ski resort northeast of Vancouver, British Columbia. 擔任八國集團輪值主席的加拿大,邀請來自美國、俄羅斯、英國、義大利、法國、德國以及日本的外長,在溫哥華東北方英屬哥倫比亞省的滑雪勝地惠斯勒,召開兩天會議。
- Wankel's rotating piston 汪克爾轉子發動機的轉子
- The drum"s rotating speed and the rotating speed difference between drum and spiral stock pusher are very important variable parameters of the horizontal screw decanter when it is being operated. 卧螺離心機工作時,轉鼓轉速以及與螺旋推料器之間的速差,決定著物料的分離效果和產量等,是離心機很重要的可變參數。
- Wankel rs rotating piston 汪克爾轉子發動機的轉子
- Screw compensation algorithm including coning and sculling compensations reduces the noncommutable error caused by rigid s rotation effectively. 設計的螺旋補償演算法包括了傳統的圓錐補償和划船補償,有效地減小了剛體轉動的不可交換性誤差。
- Chalk it up to the moon』s braking action on Earth』s rotation and to modern timekeeping that has become so precise it can make your head spin. 這要歸因於月球對地球自轉的牽製作用,以及現代社會對計時那足以讓你頭暈目眩的精確性。
- This paper presents the mechanism and advantages of rotating pistons for Sulzer diesel engines ZA40S. and describes the problems to be pay attention to in maintenance and operation of the engines. 介紹了蘇爾壽ZA40S型柴油機所採用的的旋轉活塞的運動機理及其獨特的優點,並對該型機組在使用管理中需要注意的問題作了闡述。
- So, when a bird banks right, its left wing moves faster on the downstroke while the right is faster on the upstroke, which slows the animal』s rotation. 因此,當鳥兒向右側傾斜飛行時候,它的左翼向下拍打的速度要比右翼向上拍打的速度快一些,這樣就可以使旋轉減速。
- Based on the formula of elliptically polarized light, the relation between the elliptically polarized light s rotational direction and its phase difference is discussed. 從橢圓偏振光的表達式出發,討論了橢圓偏振光的旋轉方向與位相差的關係,由此提出了橢圓(圓)偏振光旋轉方向的判定法則。
- It is through our intent to do so and each successive birth cycle that in the coming 18 years, we shall assist in correcting the wobble in Earth\'s rotation. 就是通過我們如此去做的意想,在未來18年中的每一個連續生育周期,我們會援助修正地球旋轉中的抖動。
- It is also generally conceded that Wankel engines are quieter than comparable piston engines. 轉子發動機比通常的活塞式發動機噪音小也是大家所公認的。
- They spend the winter(s) in a warmer climate. 他們在氣候較暖的地方過冬。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英語的複數名詞多以「s」結尾。
- The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s). 這件套頭毛衣洗過多次已縮水了。
- rotating piston 旋轉活塞
- Some old folk(s) have peculiar tastes. 有些老人有特殊的愛好。
- Answer the following question(s). 回答下列問題。
- This paper discusses the creation of the cylinder and the piston curved-line in Wankel engine,and calculating method in design. 筆者在文中討論了三角活塞發動機的缸體型線(雙弧長短幅外旋輪線)和活塞周面曲線的創成; 並提出了設計所需的計算方法.
- Most plural nouns in English end in s'. 英語的複數名詞多以s結尾。