- Volunteer departments later replaced these brigades. 後來,由自願者組成的隊伍替代了消防隊。
- Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers. 在我們大多數辦公室任職的是志願人員。
- I got this cheap at a department store sale. 我在百貨公司特價廉售時買到了這件便宜貨。
- Keep a level head and phone the Fire Department. 保持冷靜,打電話給消防署。
- Now he heads the agronomy department. 現在他擔任農藝系系主任。
- He works in the drapery department of the store. 他在商店的紡織品部工作。
- She bought many socks in the hosiery department. 她在針織品部買了很多襪子。
- He was appointed to superintend the toy department. 他獲任玩具部的負責人。
- He graduated from History Department. 他畢業於歷史系。
- He runs his department with a heavy hand. 他採取強硬措施管理所屬部門。
- The volunteers for community service are doing a good job. 社區服務的義工做得很出色。
- Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side. 許多澳大利亞人作為志願兵與盟軍一起戰鬥。
- When we asked for volunteers, many young men came forth. 當我們徵求自願者時,許多年輕人站了出來。
- The bridge had been hosed down by the fire department. 橋已被消防部門用水龍沖洗過了。
- The department manager apportioned his men the duties for the week. 部門經理把一星期的工作任務分配給他的下屬。
- I'm in charge of the Marketing Department. 我是負責/掌管市場部的。
- He was elected the dean of our department. 他被選為我們系的系主任。
- Bring all the volunteers you can muster. 把你能夠召集的所有志願者都帶來
- He worked in community welfare department. 他在社會福利部工作。
- Can you direct me to the shoe department? 請告訴我賣鞋部在哪裡。