- You can look up this word in the vocabulary. 你可以在辭彙表裡查這個詞。
- The chocolate factory is his latest acquisition. 該巧克力工廠是他最近購買的。
- The school has a valuable new acquisition. 學校里來了個生力軍。
- A lexicon, vocabulary, or dictionary. 字典辭典、辭彙或字典
- Wide reading will increase your vocabulary. 博覽群書會增加你的辭彙量。
- She has a large English vocabulary at her command. 她能靈活運用掌握的大量英語辭彙。
- She has a large English vocabulary at command. 她能靈活運用掌握的大量英語辭彙。
- Gradually they will build up a varied, well-balanced vocabulary. 他們將逐步積累起一批內容多樣,比例適當的辭彙。
- The deaf man has learned to lip-read a large vocabulary of words. 那個聾人已學會用唇讀法了解許多詞。
- Do the vocabulary exercise at the end of the chapter. 做這一章末尾的辭彙練習。
- That if your vocabulary is limited your chances of success are limited. 如果你的辭彙量不大,你成功的機會也就不多。
- Next to acquiring good friends, the best acquisition is that of good books. 除了獲得得好友之外,最有意義的獲得就是獲得好書。
- His English vocabulary is limited. 他的英語辭彙極有限。
- This motor-scooter is my latest acquisition. 這輛摩托車是我最新購置的。
- This indicates that students' positive vocabulary becomes stagnant in the process of English vocabulary acquisition. 這說明積極辭彙在英語辭彙習得過程中出現了僵化現象。
- This book is not intended to enlarge vocabulary. 這本書的目的不是為擴大辭彙量。
- I have to enlarge my vocabulary. 我必須擴大自己的辭彙量。
- Learning the specific set of vocabulary words that pertain to one's business becomes a simple task. 學習和自己行業有關的這組特殊字彙成為一件簡單的工作。
- That vocabulary test was duck soup. 那次辭彙測試真是小菜一碟。
- Your boss has a bigger vocabulary than you have. 你老闆的辭彙量比你的辭彙量大。