- He vas imprisoned for passing forged banknotes. 他因使用偽鈔而被監禁。
- These are often described vas a crawling sensation. 這類瘙癢常被描述為蟲爬感。
- He vas imprisoned for passing forged banknotes . 他因使用偽鈔而被監禁。
- Can you describe your pain now (using VAS scale)? 可否告訴我你的痛楚程度是如何?
- What myths about VAs do you believe? 什麼神話增值服務,你相信嗎?
- It is this vas deferens that is cut in a vasectomy. 輸精管切除術恰恰切斷的就是這根管道。
- VAS? Videotex Administration Software? 可視圖文管理軟體?
- Surgical ligation of the vas deferens as a means of sterilization. 輸精管結紮術輸精管的外科結紮手術,是絕育的一種方法
- The VAS were 8, 6 preoperatively and 3, 2 postoperatively. 患者膝關節活動度恢復過程順利。
- The sly Turkish fox vas going to show his bushy tail, Luca thought. 路加心裡想:看來這隻狡獪的「土耳其」狐狸快要露出毛茸茸的尾巴了。
- That was friendship enough in this world, all that vas needed. 在這個世界里,這樣的友誼也就夠了,最需要的也就是這一點。
- RISUG is injected through special syringes into the vas deferens. 注入是通過特殊的針筒進入輸精管。
- CMI and VAS in control group did not change significantly. HA濃度在可復性組和不可復性組都無顯著改變。 CMI、VAS在可復性組和不可復性組都降低。
- VAS pain scores at 6, 24, 36 and 48 hours after operation were evalua ted. 評價3組術后6、24、36、48h的疼痛強度。
- The visibility of the seminal vesicles was 100%, and the vas deferens 81%. 儲精囊在經直腸超音波下有100%25的呈示率,而輸精管則為81%25。
- Then, their vas's repassing rates were compared between one another. 以血管造影為標準判斷溶栓效果。
- The lower portion of the vas deferens can be felt through the scrotal skin. 輸精管的下端能夠從陰囊皮膚摸到。
- See here to see using Added Mass rather than Sealed Box to evaluate VAS. 看見這裡看使用增加的大量而不是被密封的箱子評估VAS。
- None of the patients required additional anesthesia to either vas deferens, the researchers say. 研究者稱:沒有患者需要追加麻醉劑(雙側均不需要)。
- Surgical removal of all or part of the vas deferens, usually as a means of sterilization. 輸精管切除術輸精管的全部或部分的外科切除,尤其是作為絕育的一種辦法