- 漢斯·克里斯狄安·安徒生(1805-1875),丹麥作家,以童話而著。Hans Christian A ndersen (1805-1875),a Danish writer,fam oufor his fairy tales, which are not only loved by children but alsby adults.
- 漢斯·克里斯狄安·安徒生(1805-1875),丹麥作家,以童話而著名。Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875),a Danish writer,famous for his fairy tales, which are not only loved by children but also by adults.
- EN比率EN ratio
- 伯勒斯,埃德加·里斯1875-1950美國作家,以其在小說人猿泰山(1914年)中塑造的人物泰山而聞名American writer best known for creating the character Tarzan in his novel Tarzan of the Apes(1914).
- En值法En value method
- 比才,亞歷山大 塞薩爾 利奧波德1838-1875法國作曲家,尤其聞名於其歌劇卡門(1875年)French composer known especially for his opera Carmen(1875).
- Roux-en-YRoux-en-Y
- 克萊斯勒,沃爾特·珀西1875-1940美國汽車製造商,建立了克萊斯勒公司(1925年)American automobile manufacturer who founded the Chrysler Corporation(1925).
- Ec-Re-EnEconomic - Resources - Environment
- 柯羅,簡·巴蒂斯特·卡米勒1796-1875法國畫家,因其義大利陸上風景素描而著名French painter noted for his sketches of Italian landscapes.
- 簡要介紹歐盟EN 13445-3:2002標準中附錄B的基本思想。An introduction of the European standard EN 13445-3:2002,Unfired pressure vessels,Part 3: Design,Annex B is presented in this paper.
- 克萊斯勒,弗里茲1875-1962美籍奧地利裔小提琴家,小提琴作品和輕歌劇蘋果花(1919年)的作曲者Austrian - born American violinist and composer of violin works and the operetta Apple Blossoms(1919.
- 歐氏空間EnEuclidean vector N_space E n
- 克萊斯勒,弗里茲1875-1962美籍奧地利裔小提琴家,小提琴作品和輕歌劇蘋果花(1919年)的作曲者Austrian-born American violinist and composer of violin works and the operetta Apple Blossoms(1919).
- 美國路邦EN-1Condensate EN-1 of USA
- 比才,亞歷山大·塞薩爾·利奧波德1838-1875法國作曲家,尤其聞名於其歌劇卡門(1875年)French composer known especially for his opera Carmen(1875).
- 空腸Roux-en-Y雙層舌狀瓣加半套疊瓣膜等聯合抗返流裝置的研究Study of combination of Roux-en-Y cholangioenterostomy plus dual tongue-like type flop and half-intussusceptive value against reflux
- 第17屆美國總統,被選為副總統併當林肯被刺殺後繼任總統,被彈劾但因一票之差被宣告無罪(1808-1875)。17th President of the United States; was elected Vice President and succeeded Lincoln when Lincoln was assassinated; was impeached but acquitted by one vote (1808-1875).
- EN型多功能母料EN Multifunctional Masterbatch