- OR-18960R-1896
- 斐索,A.H.L.(1819-1896)Armand Hippolyte Louis Fizeau (1819~1896)
- GB/T3367.5-1982鐵路機車名詞術語空氣制動裝置零部件名稱Glossary of terms for railway locomotive--Names of component parts for air brake equipment
- 前C區1896位終止變異pre-C 1896 "stop" mutation
- GB/T3289.15-1982可鍛鑄鐵管路連接件型式尺寸側小異徑三通Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Lateral-less reducing tees
- 縣市分校或工作站1896個1896 Workstations and Branch Schools in Counties
- GB/T3289.39-1982可鍛鑄鐵管路連接件型式尺寸平形活接頭墊圈Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Parallel union gaskets
- 郁達夫(1896-1945)浙江富陽人。Yu Dafu (1896-1945), originally named Yu Wen, was from Fuyang, Zhejiang.
- GB/T3289.22-1982可鍛鑄鐵管路連接件型式尺寸外接頭內外絲接頭" Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Male joints(sockets), male and female joints (sockets)"
- 虛谷(1874-1896)頗受揚州畫派影響,Xu Gu (1874-1896) was a painter of the Qing Dynasty who was affected by the Yangzhou Painting School.
- 關於1982—1986年第三個區域計劃擬訂周期的政府間協商Intergovernmental Consultation on the Third Regional Programming Cycle 1982-1986
- 香港早期電影軌跡1896-1950展覽特刊The Early Days of Hong Kong Cinema: An Exhibition 1896-1950
- GB/T3257.13-1982鋁土礦化學分析方法原子吸收分光光度法測定鋅量Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite ores--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for determination of zinc content
- HBV前C區1896點突變的檢測及意義Detection of 1896 dot mutation located in hepatitis B virus pre C and the clinical significance
- GB/T718-1982鑄造用生鐵Foundry pig iron
- GB/T3289.35-1982可鍛鑄鐵管路連接件型式尺寸活接彎頭內外絲活接彎頭" Malleable cast iron pipe fittings--Type size--Union elbows, male and female union elbows"
- 馬塞奧·伊·格拉哈萊斯,A.(1845-1896)Antonio Maceo y Grajales (1845~1896)
- GB/T3094-1982冷拔無縫異型鋼管Cold drawn seamless special-shape steel pipe
- 1896至1897年,似乎是間斷騷動和普遍反抗之間的分界線。The years 1896-7 seem to mark a dividing line between spasmodic uprisings and widespread revolt.
- GB/T3320.4-1982轉盤雜訊測試唱片Rumble measurement test record