- In November 1975 President Ford took away my job as national security adviser. 1975年11月,福特總統撤消了我作為國家安全顧問的職務。
- After squawks of dismay, Jim Jones, the national security adviser, went too. 在聲聞對方的抱怨之後,國家安全顧問吉姆.;瓊斯才也去了。
- The national security adviser has always had to make do with humble and compact quarters. 國家安全顧問不得不總是在簡陋而擁擠的地方湊合著辦公。
- This time he was offered,unequivocally,the job of National Security Adviser to the President. 這次總統明確地約請他擔任總統的國家安全事務顧問。
- Secretary Shultz, along with General Powell, the national security adviser, argues for cutting a deal in which General Noriega retires from his military command. 國務卿舒爾茨,偕同國家安全顧問鮑威爾將軍,均主張達成協議,讓[巴拿馬總統]諾列加將軍讓出軍隊指揮權。
- U.S. National Security Adviser Steve Hadley says President Bush is encouraged by progress in Israeli-Palestinian talks. 布希總統的國家安全顧問斯蒂芬.;哈德利說,巴以和談取得的進展讓布希總統大受鼓舞。
- But Stephen Hadley, Mr.Bush's national security adviser, said that the North needed to take 「concrete steps. 但是史蒂芬漢得勒,布希的國家安全顧問,說朝鮮需要採取實際行動。
- Former White House National Security Adviser [1974-77; 1989-93] Brent Scowcroft agreed. 曾經在1989年到1993年期間擔任白宮國家安全顧問的斯考克羅夫特同意這個觀點.
- And I see my national security adviser, Ms.Condoleezza Rice, who at one time was the provost of Stanford University, so she's comfortable on university campuses such as this. 我也看到我的助理賴斯女士,她曾經是斯德莫大學的校長,因此她回到校園是最適合不過的了。
- When George Bush was elected president in 1988,Scowcroft became national security adviser and recruited Rice,who had impressed him with her knowledge of arms control. 1988年喬治·布希當選總統,被任命為國家安全顧問的斯考克羅夫特把賴斯招至麾下,就在於賴斯在軍控問題上的知識給他留下了深刻印象。
- The White House National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley called the mi ile launches a provocation, but said they did not pose an immediate threat. 白宮國家安全事務助理稱北韓導彈試射是挑釁行為,但又說這不直接對美國構成直接威脅。
- On May 21, 1978, Deng Xiaoping, Vice-Premier of the State Council, met Dr.Zbigniev Brzeginsky, National Security Adviser to the US President. 1978年5月21日,國務院副總理鄧小平會見美國總統國家安全事務助理茲比格涅夫-布熱津斯基博士。
- So I wouldn't want to prejudge what they will end up talking about," said Froman, deputy national security adviser for international economic affairs. 因此,我不想預測他們關於最終討論(成果), 」主管國際經濟事務的副國家安全顧問Michael Froman說。
- But the chances are that she would not be an easy one for Mr Obama and whoever he appoints as his National Security Adviser to manage. 但是奧巴馬以及他即將任命的國安會委員都會發現希拉里不是省油的燈。
- VOA's Paula Wolfson reports the president's chief national security advisor says a boycott might do more harm than good. VOA新聞的PaulaWolfson報道,總統的首席國家安全顧問說,抵制可能利大於弊。
- And I see my national security adviser,Ms.Condoleezza Rice,who at one time was the provost of Stanford University,so she's comfortable on university campuses such as this. 我也看到我的助理賴斯女士,她曾經是斯德莫大學的校長,因此她回到校園是最適合不過的了。
- He is flying to the U S A at ten. 他十點鐘就要飛往美國。
- Now another regular lunch session is the one with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,Secretary of State Powell and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. 現在另一個定期的午餐會就是與國防部長唐納德·拉姆斯菲爾德、國務卿鮑威爾和國家安全顧問康多利薩·萊斯間的會面。
- Our aim for 2004 is 1,000 million U S Dollars. 我們的目標是2004年的10億美元。
- Iraq's top negotiator on the pact, National Security advisor M. 伊拉克高級談判代表,國家安全顧問M.