- Mister Bursch is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy. 伯切先生畢業於美國海軍軍官學校,
- A student training to be a commissioned naval officer, especially a student at a naval academy. 海軍軍官學校學員訓練成為海軍軍官的學生,尤指在海軍軍官學校的學生
- A member of the second-year class in the U.S. Naval Academy. 美國海軍學院二年級學生
- And the naval academy Naval Academy is in Annapolis, Maryland. 空軍院校在科羅拉多的科羅拉多泉。
- United States Naval Academy has graduation ceremony, Maryland, U.S.A. 美國馬里蘭州,海軍學院學生慶祝領取畢業證書。
- A first-year student at the U.S. Military Academy or the U.S. Naval Academy. 一年級新生美國陸軍或海軍軍官學校的一年級學生。
- A student training to be a commissioned naval officer,especially a student at a naval academy. 海軍軍官學校學員訓練成為海軍軍官的學生,尤指在海軍軍官學校的學生
- Partridge, Naval Academy 1936, had been with the 4th Marine Division at Roi-Namur, Saipan, Tinian, and Iwo Jima. 帕特里傑1936年畢業於海軍學院,曾跟隨陸戰4師在羅伊-那慕爾島、塞班島、天寧島、及硫磺島作戰。
- Wann, 31 and Naval Academy 1940, had been an amphibian tractor officer at Bougainville, Guam, and Iwo Jima. 31歲的沃恩中校是海軍學院1940年的畢業生,曾經在布干維爾島、關島、以及硫磺島擔任過兩棲工程車軍官。
- And the Naval Academy is in Annapolis, Maryland;it prepares officers for the Navy and the Marine Corps. 美國海軍學院位於馬里蘭州的安納波里斯,為海軍和海事陸戰隊培養軍官。
- The meeting is being held on the US Naval Academy's campus in Annapolis, Maryland. 這次會議是在馬里蘭的安納波利斯-美國海軍學院舉行的。
- An admiral is standing by a candy machine at the Naval Academy in Annapolis when he stops a plebe walking by. 一位將軍站在安納波利斯海軍學院的一台糖果機前,攔住了經過的一位新生。
- Graduating midshipmen threw their hats in the air after the traditional hip-hip parade cheer at the US Naval Academy. 在美國海軍軍官學校舉行傳統的嗨-嗨歡呼之後,畢業的學生們把帽子扔向空中!
- Wu Wei made his way to the U.S. Naval Academy, served six years as a naval officer and then put himself through law school. 吳偉終於進了美國海軍軍官學校,在當了六年海軍軍官之後,又在法學院畢了業。
- In West Point, New York, the United States Naval Academy defeats the United States Military Academy 24-0 in the first Army-Navy football game. 年,在美國紐約的西點,美國海軍學院在第一屆陸-海橄欖球比賽中以24:0的比分擊敗了美國陸軍軍事學院。
- Phil went on to the Naval Academy, and after his naval career he did important work in the Pentagon on arms control issues. 菲爾後來在海軍學院學習,結束海軍生涯后,他又在五角大樓軍備控制問題上做出了重要工作。
- Snedeker, Naval Academy 1926, had distinguished himself in World War II with a Silver Star from Guadalcanal and a Navy Cross from Okinawa where he commanded the 7th Marines. 斯內德克是海軍學院1926年的畢業生,二戰期間因為指揮陸戰7團在瓜達康納爾島贏得一枚銀星勳章和在沖繩贏得一枚海軍十字勳章而聲名鵲起。
- Newton.Newton, 35, Naval Academy 1938, had been a company commander in the Embassy Guard at Peiping in 1941 and spent World War II as a prisoner of war. 牛頓中校35歲,海軍學院1938年畢業生,曾於1941年在北平擔任駐華使館警衛連連長,二戰爆發后成為戰俘。
- Captain Schirra graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1945 and saw service in the Pacific during the closing months of the Second World War aboard the battlecruiser the USS Alaska. 希爾瑞上校1945年畢業於美國海軍學院,在二戰快結束的幾個月里,在太平洋戰區的美國軍艦上服役。
- Each installment in the recent round of Iraq speeches, which began last month at the Naval Academy, has included descriptions of fixes for early mistakes and sober assessments of remaining challenges. 在伊拉克從上個月開始的海軍學校巡迴演講中;每一次都要講到對早期錯誤的修正問題和仍然存在的適度評估問題.