- In Air Force Academy is hardly the only organization dealing with sexual assaults. 航空部隊學院幾乎是處理性傷害的唯一組織。
- The Airforce Air Force Academy is located at Colorado springs Springs, Colorado. 美國空軍學院位於科羅拉多州的斯普林斯。
- The Air Force Academy is hardly the only organization dealing with sexual assaults. 航空部隊學院幾乎是處理性傷害的唯一組織。
- Chao received combat training at the ROC Military Academy after graduating from the Air Force Academy, making her physically and mentally capable of taking up any job that men officers can do. 她從空軍官校畢業后,曾在陸軍官校接受戰技訓練,這使她在身體與心理上,也能勝任任何男性軍官的工作。
- A city of central Colorado at the foot of Pikes Peak south of Denver. It is a popular tourist center near the site of the U.S. Air Force Academy(established here in 1958). Population,281,140. 科羅拉多泉城科羅拉多州中部一城市,位於丹佛南部派克斯峰山腳下,為美國空軍學院(建於1958年)所在地,是一旅遊勝地。人口281,140
- A city of central Colorado at the foot of Pikes Peak south of Denver. It is a popular tourist center near the site of the U.S. Air Force Academy(established here in1958). Population, 281, 140. 科羅拉多泉城科羅拉多州中部一城市,位於丹佛南部派克斯峰山腳下,為美國空軍學院(建於1958年)所在地,是一旅遊勝地。人口281,140
- A city of central Colorado at the foot of Pikes Peak south of Denver. It is a popular tourist center near the site of the U.S. Air Force Academy(established here in1958). Population,281, 140. 科羅拉多泉城科羅拉多州中部一城市,位於丹佛南部派克斯峰山腳下,為美國空軍學院(建於1958年)所在地,是一旅遊勝地。人口281,140
- (20081011)R.O.C Air Force Academy Thunder Tiger Aerobatics in Pingt... 20081011雷虎小組在屏東的表演;場次:10:30;當場看的感覺更震撼.
- During 1964. 8 to 1968.10,U S air force was bombing territory of DRV, U S and USSR intercommunicated about the issue and intervolved in the war. 美蘇就越南同題展開了複雜的互動,特別在美國對北越實施戰略轟炸階段(1964-1968)。
- Now, men are enlisting for the air force. 現正在招募空軍。
- a city in central Colorado; popular tourist center and site of the United States Air Force Academy. 科羅拉多州中部一城市;美國空軍學院所在地,是一旅遊勝地。
- Head Track Coach, U.S. Air Force Academy Men's Hurdle Development Chairman, USATF 美國空軍首席田徑教練美國男子跨欄發展主席
- An old Air Force war horse is getting a new assignment. 一架空軍舊式飛機奉命執行一項新的任務。
- Keywords personality;MBTI;only child;cadet in an air force academy;cross-sectional study; 人格;MBTI;獨生子;空軍飛行學員;橫斷面調查;
- Air force is an important component of national defense. 空軍是國防的重要組成部分。
- In World War II, General Lee was in command of the air force. 二戰期間,李將軍統率空軍部隊。
- He services in a squadron of US Air Force. 他在一支美國空軍部隊里服役。
- Captain Edward Murphy was an engineer at Edwards Air Force Base in the U. S. 愛德華?墨菲上校是美國愛德華空軍基地的一名工程師。
- This plane is configured for our air force. 這架飛機是按我們空軍作戰要求裝配的。
- A young Air Force officer served as lunar module pilot for Apollo 16. 一位年輕的空軍軍官擔任了阿波羅16號登月艙的駕駛員。