- The Solution To Us-China Trade Friction --- Bob Poole, Vice President of US China Business Council 中美貿易摩擦的解決之道---溥樂伯,美中貿易委員會副會長
- The Canada China Business Council is pleased to feature an address by the Honourable Jim Flaherty, Canada』s Minister of Finance. 加中貿易理事會很榮幸地邀請到尊敬的加拿大財政部長吉姆.;弗拉赫蒂先生前來在午宴致辭。
- In February 2007 DPCA was admitted to China Business Council for Sustainable Development (CBCSD), and became a formal CBCSD member. 2007年2月,神龍公司參加中國可持續發展工商理事會(CBCSD),成為其正式成員。
- In this respect, we hope and we believe that we can continue to count on the strong support of the Canada China Business Council and visionary people from all sectors of Canada. 我希望並相信,中加友好事業將會繼續得到加中貿易理事會以及加拿大各界有識之士的大力支持。
- Members of the Canada China Business Council are often asked whether the currently cooler political relationship between Ottawa and Beijing is costing Canadian businesses. 加中商業理事會的成員經常被問及,加拿大的經濟是否為目前渥太華和北京之間的冷淡的政治關係付出代價。
- "Canada, despite its historic ties to China, is not seizing all of the opportunities China affords to investors and businesses," the Canada China Business Council has warned. 加拿大中國商會警告說:「雖然加拿大與中國關係悠久,但加拿大並沒有抓住中國所提供的各種投資機會和商機。」
- The WDA are also discussing with the China Britain Business Council the possibility of it establishing an office in Cardiff. 英國威爾士發展局還將與中英商會探討在加的夫建立辦事處的可能性。
- The Aerospace industry is growing quickly in China and we are looking for high calibre individuals to join us at the start of this new China business. 目前在中國,航空業是一個蓬勃發展的行業,我公司也正處於業務開展初期,為此,公司尋求並期待著高素質、高能力的專業人士加入我們的團隊!
- I would like to congratulate Ruey-Bin Kao for his new role as Chairman of Motorola China and Leader of Motorola's New Asia-Pacific Business Council. 在這裡,我祝賀高瑞彬先生榮任新的職務:摩托羅拉(中國)電子有限公司董事長和摩托羅拉亞太區業務委員會的領導人。
- GM's China business is self-sustaining and does not require financing from the struggling parent company in the US, Wale said. 甘文維稱,通用中國運營"不差錢",無需母公司的資金援助。
- Manufactured under trademark license from H. J. Heinz Company by Heinz-UFF Ltd., ( US China joint venture). 本產品系根據亨氏公司授予的商標許可證由亨聯有限公司(中美合資企業)製造。
- AAM established China Business Office in Shanghai, China. AAM在中國上海設立美國車橋亞洲總部及研發中心.
- Lavin Mei is the authorized representative in all trade issues in China of the U.S.A Pacific Rim Business Council and U.S.A Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce. 是美國環太平洋商會和美國環太平洋商務委員會授權的中國代表。
- Since 2006, Avanti have started the Greater China business. 邁前在大中華區的業務早於2006年已經開展。
- Manufactured under trademark license from H. J. Heinz Company by Heinz-UFF Ltd.,( US China joint venture). 本產品系根據亨氏公司授予的商標許可證,由亨聯有限公司(中美合資企業)製造。
- The article analyzes the objective market and disruptive marketing strategy of amazon, so as to give good suggestions for latecomer firms in us China. 通過對亞馬遜公司利用顛覆性市場營銷策略實現自身跨越式發展的案例分析,以期為我國后發企業實現自身跨越提供借鑒。
- Explain the goal of the Project for Sustainable mobility of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. 解釋世界可持續發展經濟協會的可持續汽車發展項目的目標。
- Wenge Yang,Corporate Director of Business Development for AMDs China business. 主題演講;楊;AMD企業開發總監;Keynote Speech;Dr.
- The Thai prime minister said that he wanted to ignite this process by forming a joint business council with Bangladesh. 泰國總理說希望通過和孟加拉成立聯合商會的形式來增進彼此溝通的程序。
- The authors are industry observers and contributors to China Business Weekly. 作者是行業觀察員,給中國商業周刊供稿。