- The US income tax base excludes:(1) interest on state and local bonds, (2) employer contributions to pension and medical plans, (3) gifts and inheritances. 美國所得稅的稅基不包括:(1)州和地方債券的利息;(2)僱主向養老金和醫療計劃的繳款;(3)贈與和遺產。
- He assist me with my income tax return. 他幫助我填寫所得稅申報單。
- He neglected to return his income tax form. 他忽略了所得稅表格的申報。
- He is griping about his income tax again. 他又在嘮叨所得稅了。
- The senate was censured for income tax evasion. 這名參議員因逃避繳納所得稅而受到指責。
- Nowadays income tax is normally deducted from a person's wages. 現在,所得稅通常是在發工資前就已經扣除了。
- Has US Income Inequality Really Increased? 美國的收入不平等真的加劇了嗎?
- The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax. 稅務局負責徵收所得稅。
- Have you any qualms about cheating on your income tax? 你在所得稅上做了手腳,良心上沒有感到不安嗎?
- I send all my income tax query to my accountant. 我把所有有關所得稅的疑問送交會計師。
- I don't think they can avoid paying the income tax. 我認為他們不能避免支付所得稅。
- The income tax have make more liar out of the american people than gold have. 所得稅比黃金把更多的美國人造成了說謊者。
- How much income tax do I have to pay? 我應該交多少收入所得稅?
- How much income tax do you have to kick over? 你要繳納多少所得稅?
- Is there an overall income tax rate here in China? 在中國有統一的所得稅稅率嗎?
- Half of my wages go in income tax. 我的一半工資用來付所得稅。
- I am filling in (out) my income tax form. 我正在填寫所得稅申報表。
- The IRS audits questionable income tax returns. 美國國內稅務局審計可疑的所得稅報告。
- Does everyone have to pay income tax in China? 在中國每個人都有要繳個人所得稅嗎?
- Please give me a breakdown of those income tax. 請給我一份所得稅收的細目表。