- The Black Hawk was selected for production and the UH-60A entered service with the US Army in 1979. 最終黑鷹中標量產,UH-60A於1979年進入美國陸軍服役。
- The US Army of World War II was created from a tiny antebellum army in the space of three years. 美國陸軍從戰前那支微型的軍隊重建花費了三年時間。
- The military logistics of US army in the Iraq War displays the new trends of modern military logistics, which are large-scale, integration, accurateness and specialization. 伊拉克戰爭中的美軍軍事物流,呈現出現代軍事物流新的發展趨勢:規模化、一體化、精確化、專業化。
- He served one month with the Air Army in Kuwait. 他在科威特的空軍里服役1個月。
- In December of last year, Massey along with his paratrooper Jeremy Hinzman applied for political asylum in Canada in protest at the "atrocities" committed by the US army in Iraq and Afghanistan. 去年的12月,「馬斯」和他的傘兵傑「里米。韓因茲曼」 為抗議美軍在伊拉克和阿富汗犯下的種種「暴行」,一同申請在加拿大政治庇護。
- Materials Supply of US Army in the War of Iraq 淺析伊拉克戰爭中的美軍物資保障
- United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) site. 聯合國在科索夫地區的任務(UNMIK)的網站。
- EDA is used in US army equipment battle performance research. EDA已應用於美軍裝備作戰性能研究。
- Qian: We are very concerned with the violence in Kosovo. 答:我們對科索沃發生的流血事件非常關切。
- After the US army entered Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, it gave a boost to the sex industry in the two places. 美軍進駐波黑、科索沃后,帶動了兩地色情業「繁榮」。
- It fought in Kosovo in 1999, but that campaign was an air war. 1999年,北約就在科索沃參戰了,但其戰役只是空戰。
- A member of the Confederate Army in the Civil War. 邦聯士兵美國內戰中南方聯盟軍隊的士兵
- In Kosovo, they boarded Black Hawks late at night for the i ertion. 在科索沃,他們搭乘"黑鷹"直升機,於深夜實施了一次插入行動。
- A member of the Union Army in the Civil War. 美國南北戰爭北軍的一員
- The US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineers Research. 美國陸軍工程兵研究與發展中心。
- Xiao Wang was demobilized from the army in 1982. 小王是1982年從部隊複員的。
- He gets out of the army in a few weeks. 幾周之後他就要離開部隊。
- He was invalided out of the army in 1943. 他於1943年因傷病退役。
- He joined the army in defence of his country. 他入伍保衛國家。
- He joined the Liberation Army in 1972. 他於一九七二年參加了解放軍。