- United States Army Pacific Command 美國陸軍太平洋司令部
- The US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineers Research. 美國陸軍工程兵研究與發展中心。
- The President is on his way home to Washington via Hawaii. He and the First Lady had dinner with the head of US Pacific Command last night. 布希總統轉道夏威夷回國,昨晚,他和第一夫人與美國太平洋司令部的司令官共進晚餐。
- The US Army has reassessed its options and consolidated its specialised assets under a formal major command. 根據上級正式命令,美軍已經重新評估了作戰方案,落實了專門資金。
- The unit will soon be under the day-to-day control of US Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command. 該單位將儘快根據日常控制的美國北方軍,軍隊服務的組成部分北方司令部。
- German pillbox on Omaha Beach serving as a US Army command post, during the early days of the invasion. 德國碉堡的奧馬哈海灘作為美軍指揮所服務,在入侵的初期。
- Etymology: This phrase comes from World War II US Army slang. 詞源:這個短語源於第二次世界大戰時期美國軍隊中的俚話。
- This time around you are a Special-Ops soldier from the US army. 生活在島上的市民會記住你做的任何事。
- The Ministry of National Defense said that in mid-May, an elite brigade of Indian paratroopers will conduct a joint military exercise with the special forces of the US Pacific Command near the renowned Taj Mahal. 國防部說,一支精銳的印度傘兵旅五月中旬將與太平洋美軍司令部的特種部隊在聞名遐邇的泰姬馬哈陵附近舉行聯合軍事演習。
- Everywhere US Army goes, it will overthrow monocracy. 凡是美國對外動武,叫做推翻專制,
- EDA is used in US army equipment battle performance research. EDA已應用於美軍裝備作戰性能研究。
- A Pacific Command spokesman declined to comment on the incident, saying details were classified. Pentagon spokesmen also declined to comment. 太平洋艦隊發言人拒絕對此事發表評論,聲稱細節保密。五角大樓也對此事無可奉告。
- Fondren worked at the Pentagon, holding top secret clearance as the deputy director of the Washington liaison office for U.S. Pacific Command. 豐德倫供職於五角大廈,做為美國太平洋司令部華盛頓聯絡處的副主任,他可以接觸到高級機密。
- I had worked in a shaving-brush factory, joined the US army a private. 我曾在一家胡刷廠里做過工,在美國陸軍中當過二等兵。
- Admiral Timothy Keating, head of the U.S. Pacific Command, met Chinese Foreign Ministry Yang Jiechi behind closed doors. 美軍太平洋戰區負責人、海軍上將蒂莫西.基廷和中國外交部長楊潔篪舉行了閉門的會晤。
- Admiral Timothy Keating of the United States Pacific Command said it could encourage renewed dialogue between the American and Chinese armies. 美國太平洋艦隊司令,海軍上將基廷表示此舉將對恢復中美之間的軍方對話產生促進作用。
- Adm.Timothy Keating, commander of US Pacific Command, and James Shinn, a newly minted assistant secretary of Defense for the region, left Saturday for a week-long trip to China. 美國太平洋軍區司令亞當.;提摩太
- The U.S. military has a system under which each region of the world is overseen by a specific command, such as the Pacific Command, Central Command and so on. 美國軍方現有的對世界各個地區的監察系統是在一個特殊司令部(體系)管轄之下,比如太平洋司令部,中央司令部等等。
- I feel greatly honored to have this opportunity to gain your insights on the future development of the US Army today. 今天有機會就美國陸軍發展問題聽取你的意見,我感到非常榮幸。
- Disc II: Japanese capture Mandalay - Allies split Pacific Command - Carriers come of age - War departments new home - Lies, Damned Lies &Statistics - U.S. 從希特勒煽情的演講,到炸彈在空中墜落,從戰場上的血與火,到垂死士兵眼眸中對生的渴望,親歷歷史的攝像師們用膠片忠實地記錄下了這一切。