- It can prolong mouse s survival time in hypoxia. 醒神液能延長小鼠耐缺氧存活時間。
- In SC's survival area, lots of phagocytes were observed. 並在雪旺細胞存活區有巨噬細胞浸潤。
- The man' s survival was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die. 這個人能活下來真是出人意外,因為醫生們認為他必死無疑。
- Hepatology Digest: So what are the main factors that may decrease the donor-recipient』s survival? 國際肝病:供者和受者生存率降低的主要原因是什麼?
- A meerkat』s inevitably maturing voice may be crucial for its colony』s survival. 狐獴的聲音會不可避免地變得成熟,這對狐獴群落的生存而言可能是至關重要的。
- Accordingly, mifepristone may disturb the villous angiogenesis and consequently be harmful to the embryo』s survival. 據此,米非司酮可造成絨毛間質血管形成發生障礙,進而不利於胚胎生存。
- GM's survival would be in even greater doubt without the meteoric growth it is seeing in China. 在該產業最著名的一些品牌中,能夠贏得新興市場已經成為生死攸關的事情。
- Ideals and convictions are the spiritual pillars for a nation』s survival, development and vitalization. 加強大學生理想信念教育的對策,是適應時代發展要求對馬克思主義、共產主義理想信念的再認識和合理建構。
- And so for China\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s leaders, placating the Me generation is seen as critical to ensuring the Communist Party\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s survival. 於是,對於中國的領導人來說,安撫好「我一代」成為了保證共產黨執政的關鍵。
- On the treatment of mental disorder, Laing maintained promoting sufferers' self- recover by changing the sufferer's survival environment. 在精神疾病的治療方面,萊因主張通過改變患者的生存環境來促使其進行自我恢復。
- Water, one of the rarest natural resources for human" s survival and development, is a finite resource that others can" t replace. 水資源是人類生存與發展最寶貴的自然資源之一,是其它資源所無法取代的有限性資源。
- On the treatment of mental disorder,Laing maintained promoting sufferers self-recover by changing the sufferer s survival environment. 在精神疾病的治療方面,萊因主張通過改變患者的生存環境來促使其進行自我恢復。
- Strengthening safe construction of flood storage and detention areas and improving people s survival conditions are the most important tasks in flood prevention. 加強蓄滯洪區安全建設,改善滯洪區廣大人民群眾的生存條件,是防汛工作中的重中之重。
- Immovable property is extremely important in human society, not only it is mankind"s survival factor of productivity.But also it is necessesity to maintain life . 不動產是人類社會極其重要的物質財產,它既是人類賴以生存的生產要素,也是人們維持生存和生活必要的物質保障。
- But only if we continue to provide FBI agents with the tools and other powers they need to uncover clues to terrorist plots will we win the war for the country's survival. 但是我們只有提供給FBI必要的工具和權力去發現恐怖分子陰謀詭計線索,我們才能夠贏得拯救這個國家的戰爭。
- We live in a business world that increasingly worships the great tribal god innovation, lyrically hailing it not just as a desired, but as a necessary condition of a company』s survival and growth. 我們正生活在一個把「創新」當作部落之神般倍加崇拜的商業世界中,人們熱情有加地對「創新」給予稱讚,這不僅是緣於某種企盼,也是一個公司生存和發展的必要條件。
- It"s undisputable fact that quality is the life of one enterprise and it can ensure enterprise"s surviving and developing. 質量是企業的生命,企業的生存和發展必須以過硬的產品質量作保證,這已是不爭的事實。
- But al-Qaeda』s surviving leaders are reckoned to have decamped across the border to the tribal areas of Pakistan, where Western forces do not tread. 然而,據推測,基地組織大難不死的頭目早已跨越邊界,移居巴基斯坦部落地區,那裡是西方勢力不會涉足的地方。
- The paper"s epilogue indicated that this novel is not only the individual"s surviving philosophy, but also the fable on the historic Russian destiny. 論文結語指出,小說不僅是個人的生存哲學,也是俄羅斯歷史命運的寓言。