- Mithraism was an ancient mystery religion prominent from the 1st century BC to the 5th century AD. 密特拉教是一個古代的秘密宗教,在公元前一世紀到公元五世紀強盛。
- Europeans sought their own supply after the 1st century AD, when Roman historian Pliny embarked on an investigation to solve the mystery. 在西元一世紀,羅馬的歷史學家普林尼著手調查,揭開了香料來源的謎底,歐洲人才得以開拓自己的香料供給來源。
- "Roman philosopher and dramatist Lucius Annaeus Seneca, also known as Seneca the Younger, was famous among his contemporaries of the 1st century ad for his wealth. 這樣的生活總是很嚮往的,既不排斥物質的誘惑,又注重內心與自我的修行。
- "The glass is then etched down to the inner layer, leaving the design outline in relief. Fine cameo glass was produced by the Romans in the 1st century AD." 然後將外層玻璃蝕刻到內層,使設計的輪廓成為浮雕,其精細部分用手工或旋轉的刀具雕刻。早在公元1世紀,羅馬人已生產出精美的寶石玻璃品。
- "Though the first Western pharmacological treatise (a listing of herbal plants) was compiled in the 1st century AD, scientific pharmacology was possible only from the 18th century on, when drugs could be purified and standardized." 雖然公元1世紀時已編輯出第一部西方藥理學著作(草藥植物的清單),但科學的藥理學僅在18世紀開始才成為可能,那時藥物才能被純凈化和標準化。
- "The leather saddle was developed Between the 3rd century BC and the 1st century AD, probably by peoples of the Asian steppes, where the stirrup and the horse collar also originated." 皮鞍發展於公元前3世紀至公元1世紀,大概是由亞洲大草原的民族最先使用,馬鐙及馬頸圈也發源於此。
- Phot A Koguryo mural of hunting, circa 6th Century AD. 照片:約西元六世紀,一幅描繪打獵的高句麗壁畫。
- Jing Fang did it much earlier. He proposed it in the 1st century B. C. 中國的京房比他早得多。京房公元前1世紀就提出來了。
- This system is known from the 6th century AD onward. 這種體系從公元六世紀起就被知曉。
- This tradition has been traced back to the sixth century AD. 這一傳統已被追溯到公元16世紀。
- Uncial script, mixing both types, developed in the 3rd century AD. 拉丁安色爾字體就是在西元3世紀從這類混合體發展出來的。
- The best and largest racetrack was the Maximus racetrack built in the 1st century BC in Rome. 最好最大的賽馬場是公元前1世紀建於羅馬的馬克西穆斯賽馬場。
- The origins of gunpowder in China also date from the 9th century AD. 火藥在中國也是起源於9世紀。
- Maiga: The best and largest racetrack was the Maximus racetrack built in the 1st century BC in Rome. 麥加:最好最大的賽馬場是公元前1世紀建於羅馬的馬克西穆斯賽馬場。
- The promise furthered fulfilled in the 1st century on the day of Pentecost. 3000 accepted Jesus. 這個應許隨後於西元一世紀五旬節那天完成。3000人信了耶穌。
- The Harappan script was used by the Indians from 1000 BC to the 8th century AD. 古代印度自公元前1000年中葉至公元8世紀使用的文字。
- By the 1st century A.D., pagan traditions were being challenged as Christianity took hold throughout the empire. 到公元一世紀時,隨著基督教在整個帝國內佔上風,異教徒傳統受到質疑。
- Thus when Hebrew/Aramaic (1st century) came into contact with other groups, the word 「olam」 fills this vacancy. 是一個有時間上意義的字;後來的用法,卻帶了空間的意義:世界,宇宙。
- It was built in the later half of the 1st century BC. It was located in the city of Rome,and was called the Flavian Amphitheater. 它建於公元前1世紀下半葉,坐落於羅馬城內,名字叫弗拉維安競技場。
- It was built in the later half of the 1st century BC. It was located in the city of Rome, and was called the Flavian Amphitheater. 它建於公元前1世紀下半葉,坐落於羅馬城內,名字叫弗拉維安競技場。