- North Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead. 北美洲前額程球根狀的突吻鯨。
- The lamb has fallen to the Sultan$s beak. 這個小羊羔倒在了蘇丹的利喙下面。
- The lamb has fallen to the Sultan$ s beak. =>這個小羊羔倒在了蘇丹的利喙下面。
- Existing beaked whale populations are found in nearly every ocean. 在每個大洋幾乎都能見到突吻鯨的身影。
- The clam closed its shell and squeezed the snipe』s beak. 河蚌馬上合上雙殼鉗住了鷸的嘴。
- A surfer observes a dead Cuvier's Beaked Whale on the Majanicho beach on the island of Fuerteventura July 25, 2004. 在西班牙富埃特文圖拉島馬簡尼科海灘,一名滑浪者周日望一條古氏劍吻鯨的屍體。
- "For people interested in cetacean evolution the most perplexing problem has always been: Why are there so many species of [beaked whale]? 「對於那些對鯨豚類進化感興趣的人來說,最困擾的問題總是:為什麼突吻鯨會有那麼多的種類?」
- The body of the Pygmy Beaked Whale is the rather typical spindle shape of the genus, although the tail is unusually thick. 秘魯中喙鯨的體型與其他中喙鯨屬喙鯨相近,呈紡錘狀,身體橫切面周長最大的區域在胸鰭與背鰭之間。
- The two curled, tusklike teeth of the male beaked whale evolved to attract females as well as to battle other males, according to new research. 一項新的研究指出:突吻鯨(圖中正在水面呼吸的動物)的一對捲曲的牙齒會不斷進化,用於與其他的雄性鯨戰鬥,並藉此吸引雌鯨的注意。
- The 17 sea mammals on gruesome display included porpoises, white dolphins, common dolphins, aa pilot whale, a beaked whale and a pilot whale. 這些動物的屍體分別是小鯨、白海豚、普通海豚、巨頭鯨和突吻鯨等。
- Caption :Spilled guts: After being cleaned, this 10-meter Baird's beaked whale receives a long incision to prepare for slaughtering. 描述:溢出的內臟:洗凈之後,這頭10米的貝爾德突吻鯨被劃開一條長口子準備屠宰。
- The Peruvian beaked whale (Mesoplodon peruvians) was unknown to science until 1976 and not formally described until 1990. 秘魯鳥喙鯨的存在直到1976年才為科學所證實,到1990年才被正式載入檔案。
- "There are several beaked whale species that are still known from only a handful of specimens (strandings) and some have never been seen alive," Dalebout said via email. 戴勒巴特通過郵件發來一段說明:「有一些種類的突吻鯨存量很少,還有一些種類我們從未見過活口。」
- The two curled tusklike teeth of the male beaked whale (breaking the surface of the water above) evolved to attract females as well as to battle males, according to new research. 一項新的研究指出:突吻鯨(圖中正在水面呼吸的動物)的一對捲曲的牙齒會不斷進化,用於與其他的雄性鯨戰鬥,並藉此吸引雌鯨的注意。
- Other toothed whales are the bottlenose, the beaked whale, and the white whale. 其它有齒鯨包括寬吻海豚、突吻鯨以及白鯨。
- A team of U.S. Navy audiologists conducted a hearing test on a rare beaked whale convalescing at a marine mammal rehabilitation center in the Florida Keys. 位於佛羅里達的哺乳動物康復中心,美國海軍聽力矯正專家組為正在康復的突吻鯨實施一項聽力測試。
- Other toothed whales are the bottlenose,the beaked whale,and the white whale. 其它有齒鯨包括寬吻海豚、突吻鯨、以及白鯨。
- In the case of the beaked whale, Baker's team noticed that tusks often differed between closely related species, particularly when they were known to overlap in their distribution. 在突吻鯨的案例里,貝克團隊注意到近親物種之間獠牙的顯著不同,尤其是他們的分佈重疊時。
- But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault. 但是,Theriault說,和喙鯨相比,鬚鯨發出的叫聲頻率更低,更容易聽到它發出的聲音。
- Her dream to enter the famous university came true. 她要進入名牌大學學習的夢想實現了。