- 最後他永遠的停止了演奏teen Spirit--他在1994年四月五日自殺了。He finally stopped playing "Teen Spirit" for good -- taking his own life on April 5th, 1994
- 腦幹誘發電位測試:採用Nicolet-spirit型誘發電位儀記錄腦幹誘發電位波形。2BEP: Nicolet-spirit evoked potential apparatus was applied to record BEP wave.
- 悲哀的是,直到93年末Nirvana最後一次美國巡演,Cobain被每天晚上演奏teen Spirit的義務折磨著。"Sadly, by the time of Nirvana's last U S tour, in late '93, Cobain was tortured by the obligation to play "Teen Spirit" every night
- 6種砧木ENERGY、SPIRIT、HE MAN、BEAUFORT、AX105、AL1612對Verticillium dahliae、Fusarium oxysporum f.Sixrootstocks (Energy, Spirit, He Man, Beaufort, AX105, AL1612 )were resistant to pathogens, Verticillium dahliae . Fusarium oxysporum f.
- 伴隨著其他新無神論J,ohannine Spirit?同樣也有了革新。羅馬教皇約翰22世和梵蒂岡2世的開放精神為羅馬天主教會注入了一絲新鮮活力。Johannine Spirit. Yet, along with the new atheism has come a new reformation The open-window spirit of Pope John XXIII and Vatican II have re vitalized the Roman Catholic Church.