- 228她戴著眼鏡,穿著一件厚毛衣。She wore glasses and a thick wool .
- 228例兒童癲癇停葯后複發的相關因素分析Factors Associated with Relapse after the Withdrawal of Anticonvulsant Therapy: a Study of 228 Children with Epilepsy
- 九龍江河口區水體中的~(226)Ra和~(228)Ra~(226)Ra and ~(228)Ra in Jiulong estuarine area
- 輸尿管鏡下氣壓彈道碎石治療尿路結石臨床觀察228例Clinical observation of treatment for urinary calculus with air pressure trajectory lithotrity under ureteroscope in 228 cases
- 烏貝拉巴巴西東部一個重要的畜牧業中心。人口180,228A city of eastern Brazil west of Belo Horizonte. It is the center of an important stock-raising area. Population,180,228.
- 全年全國共有產品質量檢驗機構4500個,其中國家檢測中心228個。By the end of 1998,there were altogether 4,500 institutions in China that were responsible for the inspection and supervision of the quality of manufactured products,including 228 state inspection centers.
- 所以,2006年在「228」政策下貸款的人們到2008年就會嘗到苦頭。So the worst news from the 2006 vintage may not be felt until 2008.
- 新疆博斯騰湖沉積岩心的~(210)Pb、~(228)Th、~(239,240)Pu和~3H的分佈及意義DISTRIBUTIONS OF ~210Pb, ~228Th, ~(239,240)Pu AND ~3H AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS IN SEDIMENT CORE FROM BOSTEN LAKE, XINJIANG, CHINA
- 這些麻煩的貸款是在「228」的基礎上出貸的,也就是出貸後頭兩年低利率,之後28年高利率。These teaser loans were done on a 「two and 28」 basis (with low rates applying for the first two years, and higher rates for the next 28).
- 語言與概念之形成:跨語言分析〉。《行為科學研究》,第18卷第三期(1983),228到256頁。Guiora, A. "Language and concept formation: A cross-lingual analysis." Behavior Science Research 18(3) (1983): 228-256.
- 共有29個樣品檢測出ZEN,含量範圍在0.3-228 ppb,其中3個樣品的ZEN含量超過國家限量標準100ppb。However, only 29 samples were contaminated with ZEN at fairly low amount of 0.3-228ppb, and there were 3 samples over 100ppb, the allowable limit of China National Food and Drug Standard.
- 用於CAU資源家系QTL回歸區間定位分析的228對微衛星標記,覆蓋4774.1cM,平均標記密度達到20.9cM。QTL regression interval mapping was performed based on the CAU genetic linkage map constructed with 228 pairs of microsatellites, which covered 4774.1 cM with the average marker density 20.9cM.
- 結果:臨床228名幼兒聾啞患者得到了聽力檢測,並依此結果,對37名幼兒患者進行了人工耳蝸植入手術,效果滿意。Cochlea implant is successfully implanted in37 cases of228 deaf-mute infants tested with the device.
- IR與VEGF呈正相關(r=0.614,P=0.000); NO與EDD呈正相關(r=0.228,P=0.026),NO與VEGF呈負相關(r=-0.385,P=0.000);IR was positively correlated with VEGF(r=0.614,P=0.000),and NO was positively correlated with EDD(r=0.228,P=0.026).
- Kosciuszko國家公園--在新南威爾士最大的國家公園裡,探索洞穴、湖泊、森林和澳大利亞最高的Kosciuszko山峰(2,228米)。Kosciuszko National Park - Explore caves, lakes, forests and Australia's highest mountain, Mt Kosciuszko (2,228m), in NSW's largest national park.
- 父母在打工期間與兒童的聯繫頻次在五年級學生中主效應邊緣顯著(F(4,169)=2.09,P=0.08),在高一學生中主效應顯著(F(4,228)=2.83,P<0.05)。The main effect of contact frequency between parents and child when the parents work outside is marginal significant in fifth grade students in elementary school (F(4,169)=2.09,P=0.08). It is significant in first grade students in senior high school (F(4,228)=2.83,P<0.05).
- 通過比較計算值與實驗值,結果令人滿意,NRTL和UNIQUAC方程計算得到的10個體系的全體平均誤差(AAD,Overall-average deviation)的平均值分別為3.228%和2.691%。From comparison of calculated value and experimental data, the average of AAD (Overall-average deviation) of binary LLE calculation for 10 systems containing ILs is 3. 228%25 with NRTL model and 2. 691%25 with UNIQUAC model.
- 觀察對象為北京市學齡前兒童68名(實驗組對照組各34名),齲齒面為228面,觀察期限22個月,塗藥於乳前牙唇面齲與鄰面齲均獲得滿意的效果,抑齲率高(均在84%以上),塗藥后見齲蝕面黑亮且探之堅硬;The observation period lasted 22 months. The application of ASF at the decayed labial and proximal surfaces of the deciduous teeth showed satisfactory results and indicated high caries reduction rate (above 84%25). The decayed surface became,black,hard and shining.
- 目的:評價重型顱腦損傷患者術後行高壓氧輔助治療效果。 方法:對於入院時格拉斯哥評分(Glasgow coma scale,GCS)小於8分的228例顱內血腫患者均於24h內行顱內血腫清除術或同時行去骨瓣減壓術。Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on the treatment of severe traumatic brain injury (Glasgow coma scale,GCS<8) Methods: For 228 cases of patients with hematoma with GCS under 8,hematoma evacuation was done or bone flaps removed at the same time within 24 hours at admission.