- Found Technology Group Stock Co., Ltd. 天誠集團總公司方正科技集團股份有限公司。
- A single information technology group performs all administrative tasks. 一個信息技術組可以執行所有管理任務。
- Blue sky technology is a powerful second-hand server / workstation wholesalers, the primary sources of goods, primary prices, wholesale and retail welcome! 藍天科技是一家實力雄厚的二手伺服器/工作站批發商,一手貨源,一手價格,歡迎批發和零售!
- Motorola - Good Technology Group, G100 pager, featuring email and traditional paging services. 摩托羅拉-良好的科技集團, G100的傳呼,包括電子郵件和傳統的尋呼服務。
- Tianjian Technology Group is the import and export enterprise of the national high-tech and software. 企業簡介: "天健科技集團是國家高新技術企業和軟體進出口企業。
- E-commerce platform vendor Art Technology Group (ATG) suggests that only 24% of China's internet users curren... Platform Vendor 電子商務平台提供商ATG顯示目前僅有24%25的中國互聯網用戶通常在網上購物。
- A central information technology group may be responsible for managing standards and guidelines, but not for daily system administration. 中心信息技術組可以負責管理標準和準則,但不負責日常系統管理。
- Since 1998 Archimedes Technology Group in San Diego has been developing a filtering method that works via atomic mass rather than chemical properties. 自1998年以來,位於加州聖地牙哥的阿基米德技術公司已經發展了一個過濾法,利用的是原子量而不是化學性質。
- ShengChang owns a qualified technology group and management system, which have the powerful research ability and plentiful production experience . 盛昌油墨擁有一支高素質的技術隊伍及管理人才,具有雄厚的研發能力和豐富的生產經驗。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 雲是天空中的水汽團。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚藍的天空。
- Corporate Technology Group (CTG) is a newly established organization in September, 2008 as a corporate function for innovation. 集團研究院(CTG)肩負著哈曼集團技術革新的使命於2008年9月在深圳高新科技產業園成立。
- We are proud that EtherCAT has such an impact on this key industry,」 comments Martin Rostan, Executive Director of the EtherCAT Technology Group. 我們非常高興我們的技術能對此關鍵行業帶來如此大的作用。」
- In this review, selected assays from each technology group are presented and some advantages and limitations of these novel systems are discussed. 此篇論文在於介紹以上各類技術方,並探討其應用上的限制及利弊。
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映襯下顯出大樹的輪廓。
- Global Bio-chem Technology Group Company Limited (GBT) is a listed biotechnology company in Hong Kong, parented by Changchun Dacheng Industry Group. 大成生化科技集團有限公司(港交所:0809)是一家在香港交易所上市的工業公司。
- There appeared a group of aeroplanes in the sky. 天空中出現了機群。
- APS Technology Group is the leading provider of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems and vision-based technology solutions for marine and intermodal terminals. APS科技公司是海運碼頭和聯運碼頭使用的光學字元識別(OCR)系統和基於視覺的技術解決方案的領先提供商。
- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一處很陡的上坡路。
- The sky is bespangled with stars. 天空中點綴著亮晶晶的星星。