- Where is Tongji Medical University? 我很得意地回答
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Scholar at McGill. 國際醫學研究所的學者。
- Now he is seeking doctor degree in tongji medical colledge of huazhong technology university. 現正攻讀華中科技大學同濟醫學院博士。
- Attending physician, graduated from the Wuhan Tongji Medical University, Medical Association Member, Society of China, sex experts. 男科主任:主任醫師,畢業於武漢同濟醫科大學,醫學會會員、中國性學會會員、性學專家。
- Now, researchers led by Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator K. 而今,由霍華德-休斯醫學研究所研究員K.
- Applied multimedia education system of human nervous system to study the clinical practice of intern graded 95, major in clinical medicine, Tongji Medical University. 應用多媒體人體神經系統教學系統研究了同濟醫科大學95級臨床醫學專業實習生的實習情況。
- We sought help at other medical institutions. 我們向其它醫療機構求援。
- MATERIALS: SD rats (16 pregnant days old and 2 months old) were provided by Animal Center, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 材料:選用孕,6d及2月齡的50大鼠,由華中科大同濟醫學院動物中心提供。
- Now, researchers led by Howard Hughes Medical Institute inestigator K. 而今,由霍華德-休斯醫學研究所研究員K.
- Studied in Plastic department of Huazhong Science and Technology Tongji Medical College, the Chinese Medical Association and the plastic beauty Medical Association Member. 在華中科技大學同濟醫學院進修整形專業,中國醫師協會美容與整形醫師協會會員。
- They also applied to other medical institutions for assistance. 他們也向其他醫療機構求援。
- He is academician of Chinese Dermatology &Venereal disease Acad. and being engaged in Dermatology Dept.. Attended in Tongjing hospital Dermatology Dept. pertain to Wuhan Tongji Medical University. 曾在武漢同濟醫學院附屬同濟醫院皮膚科進修學習。能運用中西醫結合的方法,對皮膚科常見病及多發病進行治療。
- Lifton, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at Yale University School of Medicine. 該遺傳突變通過高血壓導致心臟病,「壞的膽固醇」和糖尿病的高的血壓水平,所有心臟病危險因子。
- List of medicinal plants in Medicinal Plant Garden of Guangxi Medical Institute. 廣西醫藥研究所藥用植物園藥用植物名錄。
- "We're justified in having this fear," says Dr.Herbert Benson, president of the Mind/Body Medical Institute of Boston. 如波士頓身心醫療機構院長班森博士所說,「我們有這種害怕很正常。
- The complete equipment of a physician or medical institution, including books, supplies, and instruments. 全套設備一個醫生或醫療機構的全套配備,包括圖書,藥品和器械
- Seidman, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute inestigator at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and her husband Jonathan G. E.;賽德門和她在哈佛醫學院的丈夫喬納森
- Some medical institutions are overstaffed with low efficiency. 一些醫療機構由於人員過度龐大而導致低效率。
- SETTING: Pathological and Physiological Department o Liaoning Basic Medical Institute. 單位:遼寧省基礎醫學研究所病生研究室。
- Bruce Lahn of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the University of Chicago led the studies. The findings appeared in Science magazine. 芝加哥大學霍華德·休斯醫學院的Bruce Lahn博士領導著這項研究。成果發表在科學雜誌上。