- Tokugawa Ieyasu the general closure imposed razed in the establishment of the Edo Shogunate regime. 德川家康受封征夷大將軍,在江戶建立了幕府政權。
- Tokugawa Ieyasu was the most powerful man in Japan after Hideyoshi had died in 1598. 1598年HIdeyoshi去世,德川幕府成為日本最有勢力的人。
- In the early 17th Century, Tokugawa Ieyasu moved the provincial capital of Owari Province (now part of Aichi Prefecture) to the current Nagoya. 名古屋是在德川家康於17世紀初期把尾張國(現愛知縣的一部分)的縣都遷移時成立的。
- It had played a great role since Japanese Confucianism was dragged into the political arena by Tokugawa Ieyasu and many Tokugawa statesmen after him. 儒學從德川家康起被德川幾代的政治家們推向政治舞台並扮演了重要的角色。
- Aug. 5, five will be old Hideyoshi (Tokugawa Ieyasu, Maeda, Maori Yuan-hui, Ukita show, Uesugi Jing-sheng) summoned to the bedside and kept saying: "Please show you care must rely on. 八月五日,秀吉將五大老(德川家康、前田利家、毛利輝元、宇喜多秀家、上杉景勝)叫到床邊,不停地說:「拜託各位一定要照顧秀賴。」
- Tokugawa Ieyasu [Japan, 1542-1616] 德川家康[日]
- In 1571 it became a unified domain (han) whose daimyo opposed Tokugawa Ieyasu; 1571年土佐成為一個單元領地(藩,han),而藩主大名(daimyo)是反德川家康(Tokugawa Ieyasu)的;
- Tokugawa Ieyasu 德川家康(1542-1616),日本人,將軍。
- "Gradually, through constant Battles, fewer and fewer daimyo came to hold increasing amounts of territory. When Tokugawa Ieyasu completed unification of Japan in 1603, roughly 200 daimyo had been Brought under Tokugawa hegemony. " 由於不斷爭戰,大名的數量逐漸變少,所控制的領地愈來愈大。公元1603年德川家康完成日本統一時,約有兩百個大名歸於德川霸權。
- "Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Tokugawa shogun, chose Edo (present-day Tokyo) as Japan's new capital, and it became one of the largest cities of its time and was the site of a thriving urban culture." 江戶(Edo,今東京)被德川家康選定為日本的新都,進而成為當時最大的城市之一,也是城市文化興盛的地點。
- Leadership emerges under Nobunaga, Hideyoshi (fascinating personality) and Ieyasu begins the rigid the Tokugawa era (1603 - 1867). 戰國時代群雄割據政局紛亂,織田信長,豐田秀吉,德川家族相繼崛起。
- Galileo's first brush with the authorities came in 1616. 伽利略與教廷當局的第一次爭吵發生在1616年。
- Early Tokugawa stabilization and trends in thought. 早期德川幕府穩定期和思潮的趨勢。
- Who opened the door of Tokugawa Japan in 1853? 誰於1853年打開了德川日本的大門?
- FAT, raccoon-faced, and with the severed head of one of his enemies at his feet, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Japan's mightiest shogun, hardly looks like a heartthrob. 胖,面如浣熊,並將他的其中一個敵人的人頭踩在他的腳下,德川家康,日本最強大的幕府,很難看起來像一個英雄。
- In 1603, Ieyasu was appointed Shogun by the emperor and established his government in Edo (Tokyo).The Tokugawa shoguns continued to rule Japan for a remarkable 250 years. 1603年,Leyasu被天皇任命為將軍,在東京建立其政府,德川幕府開始了其在日本的250多年的統治。
- Oxfordshire was part of Lincoln Diocese, but got its own bishop in 1542. 牛津郡隸屬於林肯教區,並且在1542年擁有自己的主教。
- Tokugawa shogunate final offer to surrender the city. 德川幕府最終獻城投降。
- Tokugawa shogunate Edo period is the era of Japanese rule. 江戶時代是德川幕府統治日本的年代。
- We know that Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon, and that he died there in 1616. 我們知道莎士比亞1564年出生在艾馮河畔的斯特拉特福,1616年在那裡去世。