- To wag one's jaws 聒噪不休
- His silvery tongue began to wag. 他那張能說善道的嘴馬上活動起來。
- To wag one's tongue for honeyed words, malicious gossip 鼓舌如簧
- You must stop visiting that woman; tongues are beginning to wag. 你不能再去看望那女人了; 人們已經議論紛紛了。
- The boxer saw his chance and struck out at his opponent 's jaw. 那位拳擊手瞅准了機會,猛擊對手的下顎。
- Their secret meetings set the villagers to wag their tongues. 他們秘密相會,使村民們議論紛紛。
- In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong they have to pry the victim『s jaws open with a crowbar. 事實上,我聽說受害者會死命地咬著,要用鐵尺才能撬開他的嘴巴。
- The old man reversed the oar and put the blade between the shark『s jaws to open them. 老人把槳倒過來,把刀刃插進鯊魚的兩顎之間,想把它的嘴撬開。
- In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim『s jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar. 「實際上,這種條件反射的咬合是如此之強,以至於受害者的牙關必須得用撬棍才撬得開。」
- You must stop visiting that woman; tongues begin to wag. 你不能再去看望那女人了;人們已經議論紛紛了。
- Their secret meetings set the villagers to wag their tongue. 他們秘密相會,使村民們議論紛紛。
- You must stop visiting that woman; tongue begin to wag. 你不能再去看望那女人了;人們已經議論紛紛了。
- Wag one's fingers at sb. 向某人擺動手指(表示威脅、警告、責備等)
- In one play (in the third or fourth, I can't remember exactly), Yao blocked mobley's layup and Mutumbo was standing at the bench and started to wag his finger. 明明在某個回合中(我記不清是第三還是第四節了)蓋掉了老貓的上籃,大叔興奮的從板凳上站起來搖手指。
- An X-ray of a Florida woman『s jaw shows a piece of a knife left behind near her jaw from an stabbing attack in 2005. Check out more incredible x-rays. 一個佛羅里達州女子下巴的x光照片顯示了在2005年被人襲擊之後留在她下巴的一塊刀片。看看還有哪些不可思議的x光照片。
- The way Joe was looking at Maud will surely cause some tongues to wag. 喬看著莫德的樣子肯定會使人們說長道短的。
- Abraham proved his toughness in his 2006 fight against Miranda, who broke the then-titleholder』s jaw in the fourth round. 2006年,迎戰米蘭達,亞伯拉罕展示了自己的堅毅。當時,米蘭達在第四回合擊碎了拳王亞伯拉罕的下巴。
- He looked up at me with those trusting eyes and licked my hand,but he was too weak to wag his tail. 它以信任的目光仰頭看著我,舔舔我的手,但他過於衰弱已無力晃動尾巴。
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一個或少一個對我是無關緊要的。
- The boxer' s jaw went slack. 那拳擊手的下巴鬆了下來.