- To utter a long, loud, mournful cry; wail. 嚎叫發出長久、大聲、悲傷的叫聲;哭泣
- To utter a long, loud, mournful cry;wail. 嚎叫發出長久、大聲、悲傷的叫聲;
- See: shout To utter a hooting cry. 高聲呼叫發出大聲的叫喊。
- To utter a sound similar to this cry,especially a whine. 哀鳴發出和這種叫聲相似的聲音,尤指哀鳴聲
- To utter a chortle or express with a chortle. 大笑發出哈哈大笑或用哈哈大笑來表達
- To utter a contradictory statement. 提出相反的說法
- You happened to utter a set phrase here! 還說出一個成語來呢!
- To utter a sound similar to this cry, especially a whine. 哀鳴發出和這種叫聲相似的聲音,尤指哀鳴聲
- To utter or emit a long, mournful, plaintive sound. 嚎叫,咆哮發出悲傷,哀怨的長音
- To utter or emit a long,mournful,plaintive sound. 嚎叫,咆哮發出悲傷,哀怨的長音
- To utter or express with a loud cry; shout. 叫喊著說大叫著說或表達;叫喊
- A long, loud, mournful cry; a wail. 哀號長久、大聲、悲傷的哭聲; 號哭
- To utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds. 說話含糊不清發出一種無意義的混亂的詞或聲音
- He took a mournful view on human affairs. 他對人世持悲觀的態度。
- To utter the loud,harsh cry of a donkey. 驢叫聲驢大聲而刺耳的叫喚
- Here we are. You happened to utter a set phrase here! 王淵源:我們到了。
- Grunt, v, n, To utter a sound similar to a grunt, as in disgust. 發哼聲,咕噥發出類似呼嚕的聲音,如因出於厭惡。
- To utter a characteristic sound or call. Used of an animal. 號叫,啼發出一種特有的聲音或叫聲。用於指動物
- To give forth a mournful or ominous sound. 發出哀鳴發出哀傷或不祥的聲音
- To utter the characteristic cry of a goat or sheep. 發羊叫聲發出山羊或綿羊特點的叫聲