- His plans are a recipe for (ie are likely to lead to) disaster. 他的計畫後患無窮。
- The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity. 這種措詞可能會引出歧義。
- The wording is likely to lead to misunderstanding. 這樣的措詞很可能引起誤解。
- This had to lead to war sooner or later. 這樣就遲早導致戰爭。
- Greater spending on education is expected to lead to a large increase in the number of students. 希望在教育上多投資以期多收學生。
- However, too abundance socializing have to lead to work piling up. 然而,過於愛交際則會導致任務干不完。
- It was an absurd arrangement, and bound to lead to catastrophe. 這是一種荒唐的安排,註定會導致災難。
- What is the main cause to lead to the hepatic failure in England? 英國引起肝衰竭的主要病因是什麼?
- They also tend to lead to some horrific data declarations. 他們還往往導致一些可怕的數據宣告。
- The fuller development of the parallelism was to lead to analytic geometry. 這種平行性的進一步發揚便導致了解析幾何的產生。
- I'll take part, but I won't want to lead. 我參加,但不想當領導。
- We will carefully consider any proposal likely to lead to business between us. 我們將慎重考慮能使你我之間達成交易的任何建議。
- We need someone with real vision to lead the party. 我們需要具有真知灼見的人來領導這個黨。
- Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia. 愛國主義過了頭即可導致仇視一切外國人。
- I don't want to lead an inactive life. 我不想過沉悶的生活。
- Any attempt to unwind the warp at this stage is likely to lead to entanglement. 在這種情況下,任何從經軸上退繞紗線的做法都會導致紗線的糾纏。
- Building on weak or insecure foundations is bound to lead to failures. 紮實的基礎是成功的前提,如果我們不考慮學生的接受能力而一味地追求進度會事與願違。
- He was designated to lead the expedition. 他被指派率領遠征隊。
- Thinking tends to lead to conclusions; emotion tends to lead to action. 思考引出結論;情感引出行動。
- You're not going to lead me again by the nose! 你別想再牽著我的鼻子走!