- An important influence was that of John Maynard Keynes, an English economist who developed a way to analyze and explain economic depressions. 在這方面最有影響的人物是英國經濟學家約翰 - 梅納德 - 凱因斯,他提出一種方法來分析和解釋經濟蕭條。
- On basis of system, this article tries to analyze and explain Needham thesis from the view of microcosmic theory on income and distribution. 文章在制度的基礎上,試從收入分配的微觀理論角度分析和解釋「李約瑟之謎」。
- The paper appends a process rules dictionary for better using the BRs to model the GEP』s process to analyze and explain the rules that business process relate to during the build of PLM. 構建過程邏輯模型時,本文附加了一個過程規則字典,專門用於分析和解釋業務過程涉及到的各種規則,為政府電子採購的業務過程描述和分析提供了一種模型工具。
- To analyze and treat by psychoanalysis. 用心理分析法分析和診斷
- To master how to analyze and interpret DOE data. 掌握試驗設計數據的分析方法以及數據的解讀。
- We have to analyze and solve problems. 我們必須分析問題並解決問題。
- Have capacities to analyze and train. 良好的分析能力和培訓能力。
- We should learn how to analyze and solve problems. 我們應學會如何分析問題和解決問題。
- We are here to analyze and to evaluate. 我們是來分析和評價的。
- We should learn how to analyze and solve problem. 我們應學會如何分析問題和解決問題。
- Ability to analyze and to synthesize. 有良好的分析和預測能力。
- I am going to analyze and study the quality of these products. 我準備分析和研究這些產品的質量。
- SISS study could analyze and explain some complex social phenomena, and uncover the social mechanism underlying the data and facts. SISS研究能夠分析、解釋一些重大的社會問題,揭示現象或過程背後的機理。
- It is much easier to analyze and fix code as you develop it. 在開發期間分析和修復代碼要容易的多。
- Complex code tends to be harder to analyze and maintain. 複雜的代碼往往是難以分析和維護的。
- Sensory assessing technology is a science method to evoke, measure, analyze and explain products, according to response through vision, scent, feeling, taste and hearing. 感官評定技術是一種通過人的視覺、嗅覺、觸覺、味覺和聽覺的反應而對產品認知、測量、分析和解釋的一種科學方法。
- Assist the quality engineer to analyze and solve quality problem. 協助質量工程師分析和解決質量問題;
- The psychotherapist analyzed and explained the cause of his autism. 心理醫生剖釋了他自閉的原因。
- The linguists' main interest has been to analyze and describe languages. 語言學家的主要興趣一直在於分析並描述語言。
- You'd better go and explain to the teacher. 你最好去向老師解釋清楚。