- Sensory nerve endings are present in the teat. 感覺神經末梢是在乳頭上。
- We could see that the nerve endings had degenerated. 我們能夠見到這些神經末梢已經退化變性了。
- Nerve endings relay messages between the skin and the brain. 神經末梢在皮膚和大腦之間分程傳遞訊息。
- A specialized cell or group of nerve endings that responds to sensory stimuli. 感受器對感官刺激有反應的一種特別的細胞或一組神經末梢
- Messages travel along the spine from the nerve endings to the brain. 信息從神經末梢沿脊柱傳送到大腦。
- On his fingertips Joe has thousands of sensory nerve endings persquare inch. 在喬的手指尖上,每平方英寸的面積內有數以千計的感覺神經末梢。
- On his fingertips Joe has thousands of sensory nerve endings per square inch. 在喬的手指尖上,每平方英寸的面積內有數以千計的感覺神經末梢。
- The ultra-structure of the muscle fiber and free nerve endings in the EOMs of CN subjects are all changed compared with the controls. These alterations probably affect EOM's function,which are probably related to the etiology and pathogenesis of CN. CN患者眼外肌及遊離神經末梢的超微結構均有明顯的改變 ,這些改變影響眼外肌的正常功能 ,可能與CN的病因或發病機制有關。
- By binding to cholinergic nerve endings, BTX blocks acetylcholine release. 通過與乙膽鹼源神經末端的結合,BTX可以阻斷乙膽鹼的釋放。
- Grueneberg thought it was just a nerve ending. 格呂內貝格認為這只是一個神經末梢。
- Like the retinal fovea, this part of the star has the highest density of sensory nerve endings. 就像視網膜中央窩,星鼻的這個部分擁有密度最高的感覺神經末梢。
- Lasers cauterize incisions,reducing bleeding and infection,sealing off nerve endings,and minimizing postoperative pain. 激光可以麻痹傷口,減少流血和感染,封閉神經末梢,將術后痛苦降低至最小。
- Lasers cauterize incisions, reducing bleeding and infection, sealing off nerve endings, and minimizing postoperative pain. 激光可以麻痹傷口,減少流血和感染,封閉神經末梢,將術后痛苦降低至最小。
- By the s kin of forehead and hip transplanted into the fingers of the forehands,it was obse rved that regeneration of free nerve ending and sensory corpuscles. 通過恆河猴額部與手指掌側無毛皮膚的相互移植,觀察無毛皮膚移植后感覺小體再生過程與再生類別。
- A rounded, globular mass of cells, such as the pressure receptor on certain nerve endings. 小體一群圓的球狀細胞,例如某些神經節上的壓力承受體
- A spiral-shaped cavity of the inner ear that resembles a snail shell and contains nerve endings essential for hearing. 耳蝸內耳的螺旋形內腔,像蝸殼,有主要用於聽的神經末梢
- The excitability of muscles and nerve endings are increased when there are low blood calcium and magnesium levels which cause muscle cramping. 當血液中鈣、鎂含量過低時可能刺激到神經末梢和肌肉並使其高度興奮,從而造成抽筋。
- A rounded,globular mass of cells,such as the pressure receptor on certain nerve endings. 小體一群圓的球狀細胞,例如某些神經節上的壓力承受體
- Sihler' s nerve staining technique Sihler』s肌內神經染色
- A rounded,globular mass.of cells,such as the pressure receptor on certain nerve endings. 小體一群圓的球狀細胞,例如某些神經節上的壓力承受體