- "Look what you get, all for a sand fox. 「你們呵,何苦受這份罪,為一隻沙狐,值得嗎? 唉。
- Is this a Fennec? Cause I searched Sand Fox... 這是一非洲小狐?原因我搜索沙狐...
- Pregnant again, the sand fox was giving birth in some secret retreat. 最近它又懷了一窩崽子,不知躲進沙坨里哪處秘密洞穴去了。
- His respect for an animal he had not liked up till then had risen mightily when a technician at the center had told him that a sand fox ate three thousand rats a year. 後來聽縣林業局一位技術員說一隻狐狸一年能逮三干只野鼠時,他更敬重起這過去自己一直沒有好感的獸類來。
- In 1985, the young Mongolian writer Guo Xuebo published "The Sand Fox", his first short novel about the desert. The work later appeared in English and French in Chinese Literature, Winter 1987 and in the American publication Short Story International. 具有蒙古族血統的青年作家郭雪波的第一篇沙漠小說《沙狐》於1985年發表后,《中國文學》於1987年第4期譯載了這篇小說。 在美國出版的《國際短篇小說
- "The Sand Fox" is the story of Old Sandy Man and his 19-year-old daughter Willow who have spent many years looking after the surviving desert plants and whose sole companion is an old sand fox, the natural enemy of the rats. 《沙狐》寫老沙頭和他的十八九歲的女兒沙柳成年累月在沙漠里看管那些倖存的沙地植物,他們唯一的夥伴只有一隻老沙狐。 老沙狐是野鼠的天敵。
- "The Sand Fox" marks the beginning of a series of desert fiction: "The Desert Wolf", "The Sand Burial", "The Sand Sacrifice", "The Fiery Residence" and "The Goddess of Xilin River". 繼《沙狐》之後,郭雪波的沙漠小說一發不可收,先後發表了《沙狼》、《沙葬》、《沙祭》等一系列沙漠小說。 另外,他出版了同樣以沙漠為背景的《火宅》、《錫林河的女神》兩部長篇小說。
- The Art of Tibetan Sand Painting 西藏沙繪藝術
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸鑽進了石崖下面的洞里。
- "Look at you, dad, all taken up with that sand fox again." 「爸,瞧你,又是那隻老沙狐迷住你的神了。」
- The fox ran away before the hunter shot it. 那隻狐狸在獵人向它射擊前跑掉了。
- A fox dart out of the midst of the thicket. 一隻狐狸從灌木叢中竄了出來。
- The fox betook herself to the thicket. 那隻孤狸逃進了灌木叢。
- The dog followed the fox's tracks into the woods. 那隻狗沿著狐狸的足跡跑進了樹林。
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎喲!沙子這麼燙!會燙傷腳的。
- The hounds were in full cry after the fox. 獵狗一齊緊追那隻狐狸。
- The sand blew into the food and made it gritty. 砂吹進食物中,裡邊儘是砂子。
- The children were playing in the sand pit. 孩子們在沙坑中玩耍。
- The hounds lost the scent of the fox. 這些獵犬失去了狐狸的臭跡。
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引機在鬆軟的沙土上留下了深深的車轍。