- Three - self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China 中國基督教三自愛國運動
- He led them in launching a patriotic movement. 他領導他們開展了一場愛國運動。
- This refers to the anti-imperialist patriotic movement on May 30, 1925. 指一九二五年五月三十日爆發的反帝愛國運動。
- This refers to the anti-imperialist patriotic movement on May 30,1925. 指一九二五年五月三十日爆發的反帝愛國運動。
- The patriotic movement soon spread to Nanking, Peiping, Hangchow, Shenyang, Tsingtao, Kaffeng and many other cities. 這一愛國運動,立即擴大到南京、北平、杭州、瀋陽、青島、開封等許多城市。
- Wang Zheng, a protester at Carrefour in Xian, said: 「This was a patriotic movement. 汪正,一名西安的家樂福抗議者說:「這是一場愛國運動。
- In the early 20th century, a Chinese patriotic movement developed in Tianjinwith the support of the Belgian Lazarist Vincent Lebbe. 二十世紀初期,在比利時遣使會雷鳴遠神父的協助展開了一個愛國運動。
- Listen to as much of the United States Patriot Movement's uncensored news as you can to keep your spirits up. 聽聽眾多的美國愛國者運動的無保留的消息,你可以打起你的精神來。
- Christians have since then adhered to the principles of the "Three Selfs". 自此,中國基督教走上了「三自」道路。
- The Egyptians had never submitted very willingly to the rule of their Semitic shepherd kings, and about 1600 BC a vigorous patriotic movement expelled these foreigners. 埃及人從來不曾心甘情願地屈服於他們閃米特人牧人王朝的統治,大約公元前1600年,一場轟轟烈烈的愛國運動把這些外國人趕出了國境。
- On the industrial and agricultural fronts the growing patriotic movement to increase production is a new phenomenon in our country which calls for rejoicing. 在工業和農業戰線上正在發展著的愛國增產運動,是我們國家值得慶賀的新氣象。
- "The preponderance of facts prove that the recent illegal marches were not a patriotic movement, but rather amounted to illegal behavior," the editorial said. 大量事實證明,最近發生的非法遊行,不是什麼愛國舉動,而是違法行為;不是什麼群眾自發的舉動,而是有著幕後的圖謀。
- If we are good at uniting with the workers and peasants, educating and relying on them, there is bound to be a nation-wide upsurge in the patriotic movement to increase production. 只要我們善於團結、教育和依靠工人和農民,我國就一定會要出現一個普遍高漲的愛國增產運動。
- Immediately lift the ban on patriotic movements among the masses and let the people give full play to their enthusiasm for armed resistance. 並立即開放全國民眾的愛國運動,發揚抗戰的民氣。
- Annul all old laws and decrees which restrict the people's patriotic movements and promulgate new, revolutionary laws and decrees. 廢除一切束縛人民愛國運動的舊法令,頒布革命的新法令。
- 「Three self」 education will go astray when it departed from healthy living. 「三自」教育將走入歧途時偏離健康的生活。
- Annul all old laws and decrees which restrict the people's patriotic movements and promulgate new,revolutionary laws and decrees. 廢除一切束縛人民愛國運動的舊法令,頒布革命的新法令。
- 「Three self」 education must be trained in the movement of schools collective and combine with labor education and call for the spirit of social service and dedicating. 「三自」教育必須訓練的運動學校集體和勞動教育結合起來,並要求精神的社會服務和奉獻。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三個鐘點才回到家。
- Our family reunions are always three ring circus. 我家合家團聚的場面總是熱鬧非凡。