- The whole family is dumb as oysters. 這一家人都不大講話。
- He lost his job, so the whole family is going to starve. 他沒了工作,全家只能喝西北風了。
- Wish everyone early spring delectation, the healthy body, whole family is happy! 祝大家新春愉快、身體健康、闔家幸福!
- The whole family is currently under suspicion of her murder. 目前這一家人都涉嫌謀殺她。
- The new car was the pride of the whole family. 新汽車是全家人引以自豪之物。
- We discuss the whole family is released, the report is Chileta or raise it? 我們全家商量著,是放生,是報警,是吃了它,還是養它?
- She refused to skivvy for the whole family. 她不肯給全家當僕人。
- The new car is the pride of the whole family. 新汽車是全家人引以自豪之物。
- The whole family lived on his slender earnings. 全家人靠他微薄的收入過活。
- The whole family knelt on cushions to pray. 全家人跪在跪墊上祈禱。
- The whole family is like that. Clever as they make them, but can't help boasting of it. 這家人都那樣,非常聰明,但又禁不住要吹噓這一點。
- During the Spring Festival every family is happy and gay. 春節期間,家家戶戶歡聲笑語。
- It is Sunday tomorrow. So the whole family decides to sleep in the next morning. 明天是星期天,所以全家決定第二天早晨睡到很晚再起床。
- I will really have my hands full on Saturday; we're having a dinner party and the whole family is coming. 星期六我的確會很忙,我們將舉行宴會,全家都來。
- I hope my family is happy, no quarrel, no rowdy session. 我希望我的家庭是其樂融融,沒有爭吵,沒有打鬧。
- The whole family is like that. Clever as they make them,but can't help boasting of it. 這家人都那樣,非常聰明,但又禁不住要吹噓這一點。
- The whole family is pleasantly surprised, kneels kowtows, this elephant is leisurely and carefree. 全家人又驚又喜,跪地磕頭,本象悠閑。
- The girl has come back home to see her parents, the whole family is bustling with excitement. 姐姐歸寧省親,全家熱鬧非凡。
- His family has prosperous children. The whole family is emerged in harmony and joy. How enviable! 他家後嗣滿堂,其樂融融,真是叫人羨慕啊。