- Misappropriating the theories of social science. 不正確地使用社會科學的理論
- The theories were demonstrated to be false. 這些理論已被證明是錯誤的。
- What is the theory basis of synthesized courses? 綜合課程編製的理論依據是什麼?
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武斷地斥貶佛洛依德和楊格二人的理論。
- In the concrete, the theory is far from perfect. 實際上,這一理論遠遠不夠完善。
- There is no experimental evidence for the theory. 這一理論還沒有實踐依據。
- The theory has been discredited. 該學說已受到懷疑; 該理論已過推翻。
- Shadowboxing and QiGong just base on the theory. 太極拳和氣功就是以這個理論為基礎的。
- The theories and measurements fitted together neatly. 理論與測出的數據恰好相符。
- In his latest book, he writes that the theory has been disproved. 他在最近寫的書里說那種理論已證明不確。
- What she said was a useful simplification of the theory. 她把這一理論講得深入淺出。
- The theories haven't soaked into his head. 這些理論他還沒有完全融會貫通。
- The theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions. 這一理論是以一系列錯誤的設想為依據的。
- Finally, an example is given to test the theories. 最後給出了一個應用例子。
- The theory or practice of inducing hypnosis. 催眠術引導睡眠的理論及實踐
- The theory was advanced by an American professor. 該理論系一位美國教授提出的。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 達爾文提出了進化論。
- The latest evidence disproves the theory. 最新的證據證明這個理論是虛假的。
- The theory integrates his research findings. 該理論是他研究結果的綜合。
- The first part introduces the theories basis of sales business process reengineering of CNF. 第一部分是介紹長春恩福油封有限公司銷售業務流程再造的理論依據。