- n. (=of the same)同樣ejusd.
- 「the very same man」中的「very」是一個強語意的副詞。"Very" in "the very same man" is an intensive adverb.
- 寶石級金剛石gem grade diamond
- 石級stone step
- 當事件發送是應用程序關鍵路徑的一部分時,多數情況下通常使用SAME事務模式。The SAME transaction mode is most commonly used when the event emission is part of the critical path for the application.
- 樓梯石級stepstone
- 取消「大鍋飯」 ", " give up the practice of ", " ", " eating from the same big pot ", ";abolish egalitarianism
- 卵石級煤cobble
- 矸石級配Refuse gradation
- 氫凈鑽石級透平油Hydroclear Diamond Class Turbine Oil. Doc Hydroclear Diamond Class Turbine Oil. Doc
- Ⅱb型寶石級金剛石Ⅱ b type gem grade diamond
- 注意!這個石級有危險!Look out! That step is not safe!
- 特別值得指出的是,該地區同一個體發生食管/賁門雙原發癌(簡稱雙源癌Concurrent Cancers from Esophagus andGastric Cardia in Same Patient,CC)並非罕見,雙源癌檢出率可高達0.4-2.5%。It isnoteworthy that the concurrent cancers from esophagus and gastric cardia in same patient (CC) is not uncommon in this area, with an incidence of 0.4-2.5%25.
- 寶石級人造金剛石gem synthetic diamond
- 梅森正在前面破敗的石級上坐著。Mason was seated on the broken front steps.
- Ⅱa型寶石級金剛石nitrogen getter
- 那石級長滿了地衣。The stone stairway was covered with lichen.
- 寶石級珊瑚專題研討會Coral of Gem Quality Seminar
- 第三代鑽石級反光膜third generation diamond -level reflective film