- The adhesion of Seville was decisive. 塞維利亞的支持是決定性的。
- Done after the Adhesives Aging Test. 隨即作此實驗。
- He also invented the adhesive postage stamp. 他還發明了粘性郵票。
- The adhesion property and its cause are also briefly described. 最後還簡要論述了釉漿的粘附性質及其產生原因。
- The adhesion activity of bacteria to Dacron was stronger (P<0.01). 對滌綸的粘附較強P<0.;01。
- Continue practice the adhesion of braces , bending the arch wire ? 繼續練習托槽的粘著及弓絲彎制。
- Conclusion Disintegin can inhibit the adhesion and migration of LECs in vitro. 結論去整合素抑制體外培養的人眼晶狀體上皮細胞的粘附及移行。
- Cell counting was used to evaluate the adhesion rate between ECs and monocytes. 以計數法檢測特異性噬菌體多肽對內皮細胞與單核細胞黏附率的影響。
- In the adhesion around the fallopian tube,the concordance was 80.8%. 對輸卵管周圍粘連 ;符合率為 80 .;8%25。
- Dust the repair to prevent adhesion to outer cover. 清整修補處以防與外胎粘連。
- The strains canchange the adhesion of ACC-2 and ACC-M in every team. 在3h 組ACC-M 細胞黏附率高於ACC-2細胞; 在6h 組ACC-2、ACC-M 黏附率沒有變化。
- The adhesion of bacteria to the surface is the first stage in this process. 生物被膜形成的第一步是微生物在食品接觸表面的粘附。
- The adhesive will stick to most clean surfaces. 粘膠劑會粘在非常清潔的表面。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 風吹得枯葉在四處迴旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一陣風穿過樹林沙沙作響。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英語字母表中有26個字母。
- The adhesion of plaque on dental restorative between gallium alloy and amalgarn alloy were compared. 摘要本文比較了鎵合金與銀汞合金兩種牙體修復材料的耐磨性、腐蝕性及菌斑附著情況。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外國僑民被要求離開該國。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 雲是天空中的水汽團。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一個國家得有決心擊退任何入侵者。