- Keep a lookout for the red lantern signal. 隨時注意紅燈信號。
- Keep a lookoutfor the red lantern signal. 隨時注意紅燈信號。
- Zhang is famous for his rich emotional masterpieces, such as "Ju Dou" and "Raise the Red Lantern". 張藝謀以其情感豐富的代表作著稱,例如《菊豆》和《大紅燈籠高高掛》。
- Zhang is famous for his rich emotional masterpieces,such as "Ju Dou" and "Raise the Red Lantern". 張藝謀以其情感豐富的代表作著稱,例如《菊豆》和《大紅燈籠高高掛》。
- Light as the door to others Fuzhe Water, under the eaves of the red lantern down a long shadow, Halo into the water. 燈光照撫著臨水而居的人家,屋檐下的燈籠紅影長垂,光暈入水。
- Jeff: I came with special news for you. A film will be on show tonight. It is the "Raise The Red Lantern",which is what you like to see the most. 傑夫:我是特意趕回來告訴你一個好消息,今晚7:30分在綜合館有一場電影《大紅燈籠高高掛》。這部影片不是你最想看的嗎?
- Jeff: I came with special news for you. A film will be on show tonight. It is the "Raise The Red Lantern", which is what you like to see the most. 傑夫:我是特意趕回來告訴你一個好消息,今晚7:30分在綜合館有一場電影《大紅燈籠高高掛》。這部影片不是你最想看的嗎?
- The first day in lunar calendar is spring festival,the red lantern decorate every street,along with the "fu" on shop window. 在農曆的第一天是春節;紅色的燈籠裝飾了每條街道.;商店的窗戶也都貼上了"福"字
- Zhang is generally considered one of China's two great directors (Kaige Chen being the other), as 「Ju Dou,「 「Raise the Red Lantern「 and 「Shanghai Triad「 have proved. 如《菊豆》、《大紅燈籠高高掛》和《搖啊搖,搖到外婆橋》所證明的,張被公認為是中國最優秀的兩位導演之一(另一位是陳凱歌)。
- There is a red lantern on the door. 門上掛著一盞紅燈籠。
- Last year Zhang, the Oscar-nominated director of Raise the Red Lantern and Keep Cool, freely conceded his qualms at tackling opera--a genre he knew only in the bastardizations of Cultural Revolution agitprop. But the choice turned out to be inspired. 去年因執導《大紅燈籠高高掛》和《有話好好說》而獲奧斯卡提名的張導,坦言他對染指歌劇(這種只道是當初泛濫於文革的宣傳鼓動形式)的疑慮,但他的這一選擇卻受到人們的激勵。
- Some of which are commercial in nature of large-scale performances, such as "Raise the Red Lantern" and "a axillaris", "Hsiung Feng Shaolin," and so on, in Australia caused a greater response. 一些帶有商業性質的大型演出活動,如「大紅燈籠高高掛」、「一把酸棗」、「少林雄風」等,在澳洲引起了較大的反響。
- How much money are you riding on the red horse? 你在那匹紅馬身上押了多少錢?
- The Red Cross dealt out food to hungry soldiers. 紅十字會把食物分發給飢餓的士兵。
- The red sun lights up the sky and the earth. 紅太陽照亮了天空和大地。
- It's time to shake out the red flag. 是把這面紅旗打開的時候了。
- Our bank balance go into the red month. 上個月,我們的銀行存款餘額已出現了赤字。
- The red lines on the map represent railways. 這張地圖上的紅線代表鐵路。
- There is a red lantern hanging in the yard. 院子里掛著一盞紅燈籠。
- I bet$30 on the red horse across the board. 我把30美元平均地押在那匹紅馬的三個得獎機會上。