- My brother-in-law is a reporter on The New York Times staff. 我的內弟是<紐約時報>社的記者。
- My brother- in- law is a reporter on the New York Times staff. 我的內弟是紐約時報的一個記者。
- My friend Tom is a reporter for the New York Times. 我朋友湯姆是《紐約時報》的記者。
- The New York Times still has a wide circulation. 紐約時報發行量仍然很大。
- Through an ad in the New York Times. 從《紐約時報》的廣告看來的。
- Through an ad.in the New York Times. 從《紐約時報》的廣告看來的。
- The New York Times has correspondents in many countries. 《紐約時報》在許多國家有它的通訊記者。
- He reports for the New York Time. 他在《紐約時報》當記者。
- He reviews books for the New York Times. 他為《紐約時報》寫書評。
- I want to subscribe to The New York Times. 我要訂《紐約時報》。
- Ariana Lindquist for The New York Times. 紐約時報,2007年4月30日。
- He noticed an item in the New York Times. 他留意到紐約時報上的一則問題。
- She reviews books for the New York Times. 她評論了《紐約時報》書評。
- The New York Times has correspondents in France, Germany, etc. 《紐約時報》在法國、德國等國家都有特派記者。
- Matthew Dowd took his complaints to the New York Times. 馬修多德向《紐約時報》傳達了他的不滿。
- What the man from the New York Times is going to say about it. 紐約時報的那個人會說些什麽。
- Is there anything new? The New York Times this morning says. 事件:在會議中,必須發表有關新產品的介紹演講。困難:雖然事先擬了草稿,但在會議進行中,沒有把握能講的和草稿一樣流暢。方法和對策:把資料的要點前後連貫地寫在紙上。每個項目要條理分明,這樣別人才能聽得懂。
- It was one of the best-sellers on the list of the New York Times. 這本書被紐約時報列為最暢銷書之一。
- Singer Sting on his new autobiography, in The New York Times. 歌唱家斯汀在《紐約時報》上談及新的自傳時如是說。
- The New York Times poisoned its own story by nods and winks. 《紐約時報》的這篇報道本就有捕風捉影之嫌。