- The New Year came in with heavy snow storms. 在大雪紛飛中新年來到了。
- We celebrated the New Year with merriment. 我們歡天喜地地慶祝新年。
- Let's hope things will improve in the new year. 讓我們祝願在新的一年裡情況會好轉。
- I was all in when I got home after the new year party. 我從新年晚會上回來,累極了。
- A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you! 給你特別的祝福,願聖誕和新年帶給你無邊的幸福、如意!
- We celebrated the New Year with a dance party. 我們舉行跳舞晚會慶祝新年。
- The new year cards were sold out in December. 12月份賀年片就賣完了。
- We stayed up late to see the new year in. 我們都守歲迎接新年。
- And give Jack my best wishes for the new year! 請向傑克轉達我的新年祝願。
- Our best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. 謹祝聖誕快樂和新年如意!
- I resolve to achieve more in the new year. 我決心在新的一年裡取得更大的成績。
- We stride into the new year in high spirits. 我們歡欣鼓舞地跨入了新的一年。
- We rang in the New Year with the church bells . 隨著教堂的鐘聲,我們迎來了新年。
- There they watch the first sunrise of the new year. 中考英語聽力模擬訓練
- The house should be habitable by the new year. 房子到新年時應該就可以住進去了。
- On the New Year』s Day, Gawain was brought to the Green Knight. 元旦當天,他如約來到綠衣騎士的住所,伸出脖子。
- We're away over(= until after)the New Year. 新年期間我們不在家。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他們對著新生嬰兒愛撫地輕聲細語。
- The first of the new computers may be on sale in the new year. 首批新電腦可能於明年上市銷售。
- Rich blessings to you May the New Year bring. 祝你全家幸福全家福。