- The first is a new society,namely,an open society. 一、新的社會:新的社會是指開放的社會。
- One of the palpable strengths of the United States is that it is truly an open society. 美國的一大優點,在於他是個真正開放的社會。
- Without an open society there can be no new-type economy. 沒有開放的社會,就沒有新經濟。
- The first is a new society, namely, an open society. 一、新的社會。 新的社會是指開放的社會;
- A country of one of the hallmarks of maturity, there is an open society. 一個國家的成熟標誌之一,是有一個開放的社會。
- Just as nature requires the ecological diversity, an open society needs to preserve the diversity of its cultures. 正如自然界需要生物的多樣性一樣,一個開放的社會需要保持其文化的多元化。
- But after the initial delight at being in an open society, I started to notice other things. 在愉悅地經歷了開放的氣氛後,我開始注意到其他的東西。
- The socialist harmonious society is an open society with reasonable structure, strong integrity and sustainability, and harmonious unity of competition and cooperation. 但它必須是一個結構合理,整體性、開放性及可持續性強,競爭與合作相統一的社會。
- Online gossip has it that it』s an airbrushed hip. 網路上盛傳她的臀部是經過「修飾」的。
- That's an open society. 那是一個開放的社會。
- It's an open secret that his firm is going bankrupt. 他公司即將破產一事已是公開的秘密。
- It's an open secret that he's having an affair with his secretary. 他跟秘書的戀情是一個公開的秘密。
- That is an open society. 那是一個開放的社會。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金會捐款,慷慨解囊。
- Their love affair is an open secret. 他們的風流韻事是公開的秘密。
- Now that she' s an air hostess, foreign travel has lost its glamour for her. 她當上了空中小姐; 到國外旅行對她已失去吸引力.
- There』s an old joke that goes 「What does a redneck say before he dies? 有個很老的笑話說「吝嗇的人死之前會說些什麼呢。」
- He has an open mind in this matter. 他在這個問題上虛懷若谷。
- She' s an excellent administrator. 她是個優秀的管理人員.
- He 's an army sergeant. He needs a loud voice . 他是個好軍人。 他需要有大嗓門。