- That remark is capable of being misunderstood. 這話有可能使人誤解。
- "I conclude that all is well," says Oedipus, and that remark is sacred. 「我認為我是幸福的」,俄狄浦斯說,而這種說法是神聖的。
- I affirm that what he said is true. 我斷言他所說的是實情。
- I can give you more than one proof that it is true. 我能給你好幾個證據證明它的真實性。
- Assuming that it is true, what should we do now? 假定那是真的,我們現在該怎麼辦?
- What I understand from that remark is that CDM is encouraging the development of, for example, clean energy which displaces coal burning. 我對這句話的理解是,清潔發展機制促進了清潔能源的發展,比如替代煤的燃燒。
- That remark was intended as a joke. 那句話本來只是個玩笑。
- Strange as it may appear, this is true for all that. 因為庸醫殺人也是成千上萬的。
- What did he mean by that remark? 他那樣說是什麽意思?
- It is idle to deny that the statement is true. 不承認這話是真是愚蠢的。
- He will show them that he is true to his words. 他將讓他們看到,他是說話算話的。
- One sharp remark is enough to deflate her. 一句尖銳的話足以使她泄氣。
- It is strange, and yet it is true. 是奇怪,可是真的。
- My remark is on behalf of the workers. 我代表工人們發言。
- That remark does not refer to [direct at] her. 那句話不是指她說的。
- What you say is true in a sense. 你的話在某種意義上屬實。
- That remark amounts to a threat. 話里含著威脅。
- There was no need for you to chuck in that remark. 你沒必要插進那番話。
- Possibly the same is true of social work? 社會福利工作可能也是這樣的吧?
- My remark is not meaning as a slight on you. 我的話並沒有冒犯你的意思。