- Then in 1974, archeologists found the Terracotta Army. 到1974年,考古學家發現了兵馬土陶俑。
- This terracotta army well represents his ambition yet to be realized in the nether-world. 這一批兵馬俑很可能代表他死後也要去實現的雄心。
- Qin would be emperor of the never-ending world and the Terracotta Army was created to protect it. 按照這種說法,秦始皇就是永恆的帝國君王,製作兵馬俑就是為了保護這個帝國。
- The terracotta army is a puzzle because the first emperor left no record of its existence. 兵馬俑軍陣如今仍是個謎,因為始皇帝沒有留下任何記載。
- Today the 「Eighth Wonder of the World」 has been a synonym for the well-known terracotta army. 今天,兵馬俑被人們稱為舉世聞名的「世界第八大奇迹」。
- In 1974, Vault 1 of the Terracotta army of Emperor Qinshihuang was unearthed in Xiyang Village, Lintong County, Shanxi Province. 1974年,在陝西省臨潼縣西楊村發現了秦始皇陵一號從葬坑兵馬俑。
- Nanyang dinosaur egg fossils group known as the Terracotta Army after following the "the ninth largest miracle of the world. 南陽恐龍蛋化石群被譽為繼秦始皇兵馬俑之後「世界第九大奇迹」。
- In 1974, Vault 1 of the Terracotta Army of Emperor Qinshihuang was unearthed in Xiyang Village, Lintong County, Shaanxi Province . 1974年,在陝西省臨潼縣西楊村發現了秦始皇陵一號從葬坑兵馬俑。
- Today, the legendary tomb of the first emperor of China is a popular tourist attraction.People from all over go to China to visit the legendary Terracotta Army! 現在,這中國第一位皇帝的傳奇陵墓成了旅遊勝地,人們從世界各地來參觀這神奇的秦陵兵馬俑。
- Traditional Chinese ribbon dancers will perform with young people in the forecourt and bid farewell to the Terracotta Army, which leaves on the same day. 接著是傳統的中國飛天舞表演。送別秦始皇兵馬俑。中方人員將出席送別儀式。
- Xian is a popular tourist stop in China and near the site of the famed terracotta army where thousands of life-sized figures of warriors and horses are preserved in a tomb with China's first emperor. 西安是中國一個熱門旅遊景點,附近有舉世聞名的守護中國歷史上第一位皇帝陵寢的數以千計真人大小兵馬俑的遺址。
- Hong Kong actress Isabella Leong plays Yeoh's daughter.In one of the most exciting scenes, the emperor unleashes his terracotta army, which has been buried underground for nearly 2,000 years. 來到中國的里克,驚懼地發現當年被封印的帝王竟被喚醒,沉睡多年的帝王誓言要讓世人皆陷暴政,一場驚心動魄的大戰隨即開始。
- The First Vault of Terracotta Army 兵馬俑一號坑
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 軍隊因戰敗而士氣消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敵軍在我軍的攻擊下垮了。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他總想使自己在軍隊里的生活理想化。
- The army won a miraculous victory over a much stronger enemy. 這支軍隊擊敗了比他們強大得多的敵軍,贏得了奇迹般的勝利。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新總統對不忠誠的陸軍軍官進行了一次整肅。
- The army was disbanded when the war came to an end. 戰爭結束時,軍隊即被解散。
- He served one month with the Air Army in Kuwait. 他在科威特的空軍里服役1個月。