- 銀杏黃酮苷Ginkgo flavone glycosides
- 銀杏黃酮苷提純工藝研究Optimum Extracting Technology of Flavonoid Glycosides in GBE
- 銀杏黃酮苷治療血管性痴獃43例Treatment of 43 Cases of Vascular Dementia with Ginkgo Flavone Glycoside
- 銀杏黃酮苷與復方丹參片治療冠心病心絞痛療效比較A Comparison of Effects of Ginkgo Biloba Flavonal Glyco and Compound Salvia Miltiorrhiza Tablets in Treating Patients with Angina
- 銀杏黃酮甙Ginkgo Flavonol
- 雙層輝光法製備含銀抗菌不鏽鋼層工藝Preparation of Antibacterial Stainless Layer with Silver by Double Glow Plasma Surface Alloying Technology
- 含銀藥膏mercurial ointment
- 苷元型銀杏黃酮ginkgo flavonol aglycone
- 鉛礦:自前羅馬時代開始,英國的鉛礦就被開發了。內含銀。Lead ore: British lead ores have been worked since pre-Roman times. It contains silver.
- 鋃杏黃酮ginkgetin
- 含銀silver-bearing
- 銀杏總黃酮苷在大鼠體內的腸吸收動力學特徵Studies on the absorption kinetics of total flavonol glycosides of Ginkgo biloba extract in rats'intestine
- 含銀的argentiferous
- 珍珠菜總黃酮苷誘導HL-60細胞凋亡作用的研究Study on Apoptosis of HL-60 Cell Line Induced by Total Flavones of Lysimachia Clethroides Duby
- 含銀汞argental mercury
- 酮苷ketoside
- 含銀鉛argentiferous lead
- 黃酮苷Aflavonol glycoside A
- 銀杏黃酮水解條件的探討Consideration for the Hydrolysis Reaction Condition of GBE'Flavonoides
- 含銀銅silver-bearing copper