- Tan Koon Swan 陳群川(1940-),馬來西亞人,華人領袖、馬來公會會長。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前幾天我買了雙棕褐色的皮鞋。
- The swan sings when death comes. 死期來到,天鵝歌聲美妙。
- The witch turned the princess into a swan. 巫婆把公主變成了一隻天鵝。
- It took me all summer to get this tan. 我花了整個夏天才曬出這樣的棕褐色。
- A young swan is called a cygnet. 小天鵝叫做「cygnet」。
- I want to tan my back a bit more. 我想把後背曬得再黑點兒。
- Mr Miller is a black swan, an honest lawyer! 米勒先生是一位誠實的律師,非常難得。
- His arms and legs had a dark tan. 他的手臂和腿曬得黑黑的。
- The situation closely resembles that of Europe in 1940. 這種形勢與1940年的歐洲十分相似。
- These locomotives ran on Great Western Railway metals until 1940. 這些火車頭在1940年以前一直在大西部鐵路線上運行。
- Mike is such a beach bum. All he want to do is getting a tan. 邁克經常去海灘,他一心想把皮膚晒黑。
- They billeted in White Swan Hotel. 他們在白天鵝旅社住下了。
- March in session led by YAB Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, Chief Minister of Penang and Dharma sponsors of the function. 步操進場-由檳州首席部長丹斯里許子根博士及護法帶領。
- The East End of London was badly blitzed in 1940. 倫敦的東區在一九四零年遭到慘烈的閃電攻擊。
- She is dancing like a swan in the lake. 她如同湖中的天鵝一樣翩翩起舞。
- Pedro Sanchez was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1940. 佩德羅?桑奇斯1940年出生於古巴的哈瓦那,
- She get a tan from spend each day on the beach. 由於天天呆在海灘上,她的皮膚被晒成棕褐色。
- In 1940, Einstein became an Americen citizen. 1940年,愛因斯坦成為一名美國公民。
- I am Gary Swan , president of this company. 我是蓋瑞.;斯萬,這家公司的總裁。